tirsdag 9. juni 2015

Ethiopian Paramilitary Militia Genocide

Between May 24, 2015 a nd June 5, 2015, The Ethiopian paramilitary militia known as the Liyu Police crossed the border between the Galgaduud Region of Somalia and the Somali Eastern region in Ethiopia. During that period, hundreds of the Liyu Police guerrillas raided 18 villages at the border and demanded unconditional levy, bribery money and vehicles. The villagers refused to comply with the unlawful demands and resisted the forceful means of the invaders. The Liyu Police militia then launched retaliatory operations in those villages, where they indiscriminately massacred hundreds of innocent civilians. During those operations the Liyu Police militia committed genocide against civilians including children, women, disabled elders, and seniors. Hundreds of inhabitants of those villages were killed, their properties were looted, and their homes were burned down. Those who survived the reprisal operations have been uprooted and now have to seek refuge inside the Galgaduud region of Somalia. There is undeniable evidence of mass killings in those operations in which about 50 people who were in the custody of the Liyu Police militia were ferociously slaughtered and beheaded. Besides that, many people in those villages were abducted and supposedly imprisoned in the notorious prison known as Jail Ogaden in Jigjiga, the capital region of Eastern Somali territory in Ethiopia. This brutal prison is a corpse jail that the Liyu Police militia control. There, they commit physical tortures, and mental cruelties before they execute inmates. The refusal of the inhabitants of those villages to pay unlawful levies doesn’t justify the brutal retaliation of the Liyu Police militia. Please note the link below, from Aljazeera news, regarding the massacre committed by the Liyu Police militia in one village during their reprisal operations in remote villages of the Galgaduud region of Somalia: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qho4_oMZgm0

The Ethiopian regime uses the Liyu Police militia as repressive guerrillas against oppositional Somali ethnic insurgents, who are seeking independence from Ethiopian annexation. The word Liyu means “special” in Amharic language and they are an authorized, Ethiopian-backed paramilitary militia who are accredited to do the dirty jobs of murders, executions, massacres, and all kinds of human rights violations in the region. In addition, they are also authorized to imprison people without charges or trial, and keep inmates in jails for long unlawful detention. The Ethiopian government-backed paramilitary militia receives training, uniforms, arms, and salaries from the Ethiopian regime and the Ethiopian regime provides directions via the manipulation of what it calls autonomous Somali regional authority. The Liyu Police militia is recruited and led by the brutal, notorious regional chief, Abdi Mohamed Omar, best known as Abdi Iley. Abdi Iley is a notorious war criminal known for his records of heinously committing crimes against humanity, such as indiscriminate extrajudicial massacres.

On behalf of the Somali People’s Party, we strongly condemn those atrocities committed by the Liyu Police militia and we are convinced that the Ethiopian regime is fully accountable for those crimes against humanity. We call the international community led by the UN and human rights organizations to send a fact-finding mission to the remote villages of the Galgaduud region of Somalia. We are asking the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial and Summary Executions, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Genocide Watch, and war Crimes Commission to investigate those heinous human rights violations committed against the civilian population in the remote rural villages of the Galgaduud region of Somalia. In particular, we request the War Crimes Commission to launch an extraordinary, scrupulous investigation against the brutal, notorious Abdi Mohamed Omar and his militia commander, Abdirahman Laba Go’le, for their committed genocide against the innocent civilian population in the Galgaduud region of Somalia. There is no mistake that the Ethiopian regime is behaving unfriendly towards the independent human right organizations and investigative media that challenge Ethiopia through analytical reports, and it does all possible to impose access restrictions to reporters and monitors who are doing further detailed investigation of those events.

The Somali People’s Party denounce the Somali government’s and the international community’s silence about the massacres committed by the Liyu Police militia against the innocent civilian population in the remote villages of the Galgaduud region at the border of Ethiopia. The party strongly believes that the Ethiopian regime approves all kinds of conspiracy against Somali populations in Ethiopia, through manipulations of notorious, brutal chiefs of the so-called Somali regional authority in Ethiopia. We are appealing to the civic world to react strongly against those unconventional malpractices deployed by the Ethiopian paramilitary militia before it is too late and they begin similar operations of massacring Somali nomadic inhabitants in different regions alongside the border line of Ethiopia and Somalia. The Somali People’s Party is demanding from the African Union and the United Nations Security Council to ask the Ethiopian regime to stop hostile policies against non-allied Somali clans living along the border regions of Somalia, to inquire about the relevance of its active participation in the Somali’s political processes, and finally to instigate the complete withdrawal of all Ethiopian military force present on the Somali soil.

Dr. Said Issa Mohamud

torsdag 4. juni 2015

ሙዩኒክ፤ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ

በኢንዱስትሪ የበለጸጉት የ ቡድን 7 አባል ሃገራት መሪዎች የዘንድሮውን ስብስባቸውን በሚያካሂዱባት በደቡብ ጀርመን ፌደራል ክፍለ ሀገር ፤ በባቬሪያ፣ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎች አደባባይ ወጥተው ተቃውሞአቸውን መግለጻቸው ተነገረ። ጉባዔው ከሚካሄድበት ከጀርመንና ኦስትሪያ የአልፕስ ተራሮች ወሰን፤ 100 ኪሎሜትር  ገደማ ራቅ ብላ በምትገኘው የክፍለ ሀገሩ ርእሰ ከተማ የተካሄደው የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ለተፈጥሮ አካባቢ ጥበቃ የሚቆረቆሩ፤ የአጽናፋዊውን  የኤኮኖሚ ትሥሥር መርኅ የሚቃወሙ የተሰባሰቡበት  ነው። በጀርመን  የሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያውያንም ፤ በትውልድ ሃገራቸው  የሰብአዊ መብት ረገጣን በመቃወም ፤ አብረው አደባባ የወጡ ሲሆን፣ የጠ/ሚንስትር አቶ ኃይለማርያም  ደሳለኝን በቡድን 7 አገሮች ተጋባዥ ከሆኑ አፍሪቃውያን መሪዎች አንዱ መሆናቸውን ነቅፈዋል።
በመራኂተ መንግሥት አንጌላ ሜርክል አስተናጋጂነት በጉባዔው የሚሳተፉት የ 7 ቱ ታላላቅ ባለኢንዱስትሪ ሃገራት፤ የብሪታንያ ፤ ካናዳ ፤ ፈረንሳይ፣  ኢጣልያ፤ ጃፓንና ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ  መሪዎች ናቸው።

Ethiopia As a Nation: Where Are We Heading?

By D Demeke
The current TPLF government failed to solve Ethiopia’s chronic problems for the last 24 years. Except for the TPLF’s cadres and supporters, there is a wide consensus that TPLF should be replaced for the following reasons (much has been discussed and written about this, and I will not go into any details) 1. TPLF shows repeatedly that it cares more about its survival, rather than the national interest and Ethiopians survival and wellbeing

2. In its recent history, Ethiopia is more fragmented now than ever on ethnic lines. On the National Election Board of Ethiopia website, there are 23 nation-wide parties, but there are 53 regional parties -TPLF created Kilil on ethnic based lines, that along with its constitution that guaranty secession-can lead to the breakdown of the country

3. In its current form Kilil stops the free movement of people to leave and work in any area of the country unless they speak the local languages

4. TPLF crowded all civic, judiciary, police, parliament, the election board, almost all managers of public organisations, and all fabricated political organisations with its own party members. It goes further than that; you have to be a TPLF member to get a job.

5. TPLF is non-democratic

6. TPLF never respect human right

7. TPLF committed extra judicial killings, any one dare to criticise it is thrown to prison, TPLF is expert in evidence generating and prosecuting anyone

The question is what are the available means of replacing TPLF with democratic system in the country?

We Ethiopians do not lack political parties, we have numerous in the country and in the diaspora, what are the strategies selected by these parties and what is the chance of success by any one of them?

There are five possible scenarios and groups:

1. Armed struggle

This group includes Genbot 7, ONLF and OLF, EPPF and TPDM

EPPF has been in Eritrea for a much longer time than any of the other parties did; however, it has never been allowed to fight against TPLF. Eritrea provides a far greater help to the Somalians group than the EPPF. There is a crucial question on the intent of the Eritrean government, is it helping or hindering the struggle to create a democratic and strong Ethiopia? Eritrea is home for many liberation fronts, it seems that this strategy which is used to influence the governments that this liberation fronts fighting against. There are no significant impacts that are caused on TPLF by the other armed struggle movements such as, Genbot 7, ONLF or OLF, so far. There are a few points that need to be mentioned here on the course and success of this armed struggle path. On the one hand:

a. There is a high level of suspicions of many Ethiopians on the Eritrean government honesty and commitment to support this struggle, as shown by the experience of EPPF.

b. These groups may be used as a tool for repression and subjugation of the Eritrean people as indicated by the Eritrean oppositions- TPDM implicated as acting as a police force for the Eritrean government

c. Many documented studies indicate that governments that come through armed struggle tend to be dictatorial, even if any of the group is going to be successful; there is no guaranty that the government that will be formed will be democratic.

d. Ethiopia has seen the results of long drawn armed struggles. The cost to the nation in human life sacrifices and resource will be immense; on both sides, Ethiopians are fighting Ethiopians, killing each other’s.

On the other hand:

a. The inherent dictatorial and ethnic nature of TPLF have created a condition that Ethiopia may not survive as a nation. The more pressure applied on TPLF internally and externally, the more it becomes more unpredictable and erratic. If there arises a possibility of losing power, nothing stops TPLF to implement article 39, there is an urgency on the ground. This is a struggle for the survival of the nation: if we do not fight to save the country now, once it is broken into small banana republics, there is nothing to fight for; we will be truly without a nation-hood.

b. The characteristics of the government becomes more bizarre, as indicated by the recent election, after announcing 442 seats of the parliament, the other constitutes will take more than a month to declare. I guess TPLF is calculating what to give to opposition members, after excluding all influential leaders of the parties. This rather gives impetus for parties and individuals to examine their strategy and some may be pushed to choose armed struggle. In addition, this provides those groups that choose armed struggle, to continue with their strategy as the only means to dislodge TPLF.

c. The incursion of Ethiopian military in late May 2015 into Kenyan territories (although this is denied by the TPLF government), and the decision by the TPLF to deny Ethiopian air space to Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta’s, airplane shows clear indication of the erratic behaviour of TPLF. Kenya has now decided not to go with the agreement to import 440MW of Electricity from Ethiopia. Depending on the level of this conflict and future escalation, the parties that engaged in the armed struggle may find another host to pursue their goal.

2. Waiting on the side:

These parties are based in the West, and generally there political program are aimed to be part of the transitional government once TPLF is out of the picture. However, there contribution to remove the TPLF government is minimal and limited. There is a sense of lack of direction and vision that can spell out to mobilise Ethiopians’, it is time to come together and organise under one umbrella organisation to remove TPLF, and revisit their strategy effectiveness to remove TPLF.

3. Peaceful struggle – change through the ballot box.

These parties are all based in Ethiopia and registered with the National Election Board of Ethiopia, (not including the one fabricated by TPLF), truly sacrificed a great deal in the struggle to change the system using the ballot box. TPLF has clearly demonstrated that it is not interested in democracy; the election was a window dressing to get more aid money from the west. The change of strategy is an essential key requirement for these parties to be significant, election will not work. A change of course required for the struggle, there are some suggestions below to take the struggle forward and to be effective to dislodge TPLF.

4. Military dictatorship

This is a growing and upcoming possibility (Suggested by Professor Tecola Hagos and Professor Messay Kebede), see the article by Professor Messay Kebede:

The results of a military takeover complicate the situation further, we Ethiopians’ suffered and still suffering deeply because of the previous military government, if this happens again, it is difficult to see a way out to form a democratic system.

5. Civil war

The Ethiopian army is not a unified force for the following reasons: the army generals have free hand to appoint whomever they choose, in an ethnically based system, individuals tend to choose their friends and families that they grow up together, where they can firmly put their trust on this groups of individuals. This further leads to more fragmentation, each division in the army reflect each area in the Tigray region, more like the era of Mesafent, but only in Tigray. Rene Lefort, noted that the army become a state within the stat. Its military and economy power creates a struggle among these groups for the control of this multimillion industry. If not checked, the conflict can escalate further creating hostility and division that can lead to a distractive and costly war within the army.

Possible strategies for removing TPLF

I. The role of intellectuals

The role of intellectuals in identifying treats and suggesting possible remedy contributes greatly to the struggle to democratise the country, everything starts from an idea. Intellectuals engagement is critical in the continuation of Ethiopian survival in the future in critical. It seems that we have very few intellectuals who speak out, about not only the injustice, killings, and lack of freedom imprisonment of innocent citizen, but also what can be done NOW to avert disaster in the future.

The conference organised by ESAT was a good start to discuss possible solutions and strategies for removing TPLF and formation of a democratic country. The ideas presented at the conference including the way forward, and the possible scenarios for the future democratic government were presented, this need to continue to formulate a sensible idea at each juncture of the struggle to formulate a democratic country. The presidential system suggested by Dr Birhanu Negga affirms Ethiopiawinet, it is a sensible suggestion, need to be discussed further if there are any other ideas. I suggest that ESAT makes this a regular conference that should include a wide range of participants who hold opposing opinions. If we want to have a country that we can call home, we have to work a lot harder than this, all of us.

I would like to thank ESAT for organising the conference; one point which I would like to add is this, ESAT has done a great contribution to the struggle for freedom and democracy than many of our political parties.

II. The role of civic societies

Our civic societies have also a role to play in participating all their members and affiliates to create a condition that will be difficult for the government to continue. Those of us who resides in the West need to start voicing our concern, in organised manner to lobby our parliamentarian wherever we live. We have to focus our energy and work together to form a truly inclusive and democratic country.

III. Creating a society ungovernable by dictatorial governments

If we want to be effective, we have to include the Ethiopian people in the struggle. The struggle should be organised at the grass root level, organising, generating awareness of the situation, and being creative in the struggle. This strategy has already started in Ethiopia; we require anyone and everyone, even on individual basis to convince the people to make it impossible for the government to continue in this form. The Muslim community has started by holding coins to make the country ungovernable for the dictatorial government.

I urge parties that are so far, become insignificant need to work together under a single umbrella organisation to organise the grass root to dislodge TPLF and form a truly democratic country we all crave.

mandag 1. juni 2015

I Can’t Hear You, Wendy Sherman! – by Professor Alemayehu G Mariam

Echoes of deceit

On May 24, 2015, Ethiopia had an “election”.

On May 27, 2015, the Associated Press reported that “early results” of ballot counts showed the ruling Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (T-TPLF) had won 100 percent of 442 parliamentary seats.

On May 27, 2015, the U.S. State Department issued a press  Statement on the Ethiopian “election”:

The United States commends the people of Ethiopia for their civic participation in generally peaceful parliamentary and regional elections on May 24… We encourage all candidates, political parties and their supporters to resolve any outstanding differences or concerns peacefully in accordance with Ethiopia’s constitution and laws.

The United States remains deeply concerned by continued restrictions on civil society, media, opposition parties, and independent voices and views. We regret that U.S. diplomats were denied accreditation as election observers and prohibited from formally observing Ethiopia’s electoral process… We are also troubled that opposition party observers were reportedly prevented from observing the electoral process in some locations.

… The United States has a broad and strong partnership with Ethiopia and its people. We remain committed to working with the Ethiopian Government and its people to strengthen Ethiopia’s democratic institutions, improve press freedom, and promote a more open political environment consistent with Ethiopia’s international human rights obligations.

On April 16, 2015, U.S. Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke to the press in Addis Ababa with ingratiating adulation bordering on brown-nosing. She declared:

… Ethiopia is a democracy that is moving forward in an election that we expect to be free, fair, credible, open and inclusive in ways Ethiopia has moved forward in strengthening its democracy every time there is an election. It gets better and better… The United States believes no group, including Ginbot 7 should attempt to overthrow or speak of overthrowing a democratically elected government… We think elections are very important…. Voting is important. I urge all Ethiopians to vote on your election day. But I was also glad to be here because in many ways Ethiopia is a young democracy and so every election, just as in our country, should be better and better and more open allowing for freedom of access making sure that every election is fair, free and credible and that opposition groups have the space to participate, that everybody’s vote counts. And in our country we make every election better than the last one in being inclusive, making sure everybody’s rights are respected and we know Ethiopia is working to do that as well.

Sherman showered the T-TPLF with so much praise that the casual observer could have easily mistaken her for a “K” Street lobbyist in the service of the T-TPLF. The only thing Sherman did not say expressly in her statement but  strongly implied was that the T-TPLF can just as easily walk on water as it can steal elections.

In my May 3, 2015 commentary “Wendy Sherman and the Ethiopian ‘Election’ That Isn’t”, I expressed my urgent sentiment:

I can’t wait, just can’t wait, to hear what Wendy Sherman, the State Department and White House will say on May 25, 2015, when they officially confirm what they have known for the past year.  The T-TPLF has won by 100 percent of the votes and captured all 547 seats in “parliament”.

Say something, Wendy!

I have been on pins and needles all week waiting to hear from Wendy. But Wendy don’t talk. She don’t say nothin’.

Wendy talked everybody under the table when she hectored Ethiopians to come out and vote. She lectured Ethiopians on how “every vote counts”. She did not say who counts the votes.

If she had asked me, I would have told her that it is not that every vote counts but what counts is who counts every vote.

Wendy schooled Ethiopians on the importance of elections. She pontificated about “being inclusive, making sure everybody’s rights are respected.”

She ululated about how “Ethiopia is a democracy that is moving forward in an election that we expect to be free, fair, credible open and inclusive in ways Ethiopia has moved forward in strengthening its democracy every time there is an election.”

Now that the T-TPLF has “won” by 100 percent of all the votes it has counted to date, would Wendy say a word or two and let us know how she feels; how thrilled she is with the T-TPLF’s 100 percent “victory”.

I just want to know, Wendy.

Did every vote count in the T-TPLF’s “election”?

Was the “election inclusive”, Wendy?

Did the T-TPLF respect everybody’s rights?

Is Ethiopia still a young democracy, Wendy?

Did Ethiopia in May 2015 “move forward in an election that was free, fair, credible open and inclusive”?

Did the May 24 “election” “strength democracy in Ethiopia”, Wendy?

Say what? I can’t hear you, Wendy.

Could you speak a little louder so we can all hear your answers!

I predicted precisely what the U.S. Government would say following the “election”

In my May 24 commentary, “Aaargh! T-TPLF “Wins” Again!”, I predicted exactly (right down to the words) what the U.S. official assessment and response would be to the T-TPLF “election”.  (No, I don’t work for the State Department.)

I am not the kind of guy who likes to gloat, crow or grandstand. But I am kinda feelin’ smug in predicting exactly what the U.S. would say after the election. I am also feeling pretty good in predicting that the T-TPLF would win by 100 percent, not a measly 99.6.  Meles would have been so proud.  The T-TPLF finally found the Holy Grail of the Perfectly Rigged Election.

The “thugtelligent” T-TPLF

The T-TPLF leaders are “thugtelligent” but not smart. All of them would score in the very top percentile of  TQ (that is the equivalent of IQ scores for thugs). They are unsurpassed in things that require thugtelligence.  They are cunning thieves. They are peerless in stealing from the cash box and the ballot box. They are shrewd power wheelers and dealers. They are ruthless in ripping off the helpless; and merciless in crushing
the defenseless.

Aaargh TPLF

But the T-TPLF leaders are not smart. A smart thief or robbAaargh TPLFer will not clean out the store in full view of the world. A smart election thief will not clean out all the ballot boxes and claim the ballots are all his and his alone.

Meles Zenawi, the late demi-god of the T-TPLF was intelligent and clever. He was clever by half. But he was not smart. Following the 2010, Meles proclaimed a 99.6 percent victory. In his victory speech, Meles exhorted his disciples finish the job in 2015:

We… understand that there are people who have not voted for us. I would like to state here in no unequivocal manner that we will respect the decision of those who did not vote for us…  I would like to confirm to those who did not vote for us that we will work hard to look into your reasons for not voting for us with the view to learning from them and correcting any shortcomings on our part. We will work day and night to obtain your support in the next election. (Emphasis added.)

In May 2015, Meles’ disciples did not disappoint. They delivered for their late master!

The T-TPLF-U.S. “Election Game” of putting lipstick on a pig

The truth of the matter is that the May 2015 “election” was all scripted and staged in minute detail.

The T-TPLF and the Obama Administration had it all figured out.

The T-TPLF would stage the “election” and go through the motions. It would print ballots, get thousands of ballot boxes. The T-TPLF would put on PR photos of people standing in line to “vote”. To make it look really good, the T-TPLF would have “televised debates”.  (I even got to watch one of the televised “debate”. It wasn’t much of a debate. The Blue Party chairman Yilikal Getnet made breakfast, lunch and dinner of the malaria-researcher-turned-instant-foreign-minister Tedros Adhanom.)

The T-TPLF elaborately staged the “election”.  They hectored the population to vote every day.  They “allocated 44,454 polling stations, with 222,270 public observers and 547 constituencies with 1,935 election officials.” They said Addis Abeba alone has “1,523 polling stations with 7,615 public observers, and 69 election officials.” They said the 2015 “election” was going to be “free, fair and credible” just like the one in 2010.

The T-TPLF knew the “election” was going to be perfect. They would win by 100 percent!

The puppet prime minister (PPM) Hailemariam Desalegn knew the 2015 “election” was going to be “perfect”. He pontificated that “We have to make the [election] process democratic, free, fair and credible in the eyes of our people.” He crowed his party will ensure a free and fair election because “Our institutional process and our laws and regulations are perfect. It is not the law that hinders but the implementation of these laws.” PPM Hailemariam delivered on his word!

I don’t want to sound smug but I knew the T-TPLF would have a “perfekt” election before the PPM Hailemariam or the T-TPLF knew it. In February 2015, I predicted a perfekt election outcome in my commentary “Ethiopia’s Perfekt Elektion“.

For me the T-TPLF-U.S. sponsored “election” was like a soccer game with a twist.

I thought of it as a national soccer match played in the home stadium of Team 1.

All of the fans in the stadium are hand selected gung-ho Team 1 supporters or hired from Team 1 rent-a-fan company.

Members of the opposition team are selected right down to the last man by the owners of Team 1.

The referee and linesmen (assistant referees) are bought and paid for by Team 1.

The rules for the specific match and how the rules are to be applied to the match are determined by the owners of Team 1.

The referees are allowed to issue disciplinary action only against the opposing team regardless of who is at fault.  The referees are allowed to kick out of the game for any reason only players from the opposition team.  The referees have final decision-making authority on all facts and disputes relating to a given play and the overall match.  The referees can stop, suspend or terminate the match at their discretion.  Owners of Team 1 determine the total number of goals scored and the winning team in the match.

For its part, the Obama Administration plays the role of silent spectator. It sees the game being rigged, but turns a blind eye. It listenes to the opposing players kept out of the stadium and turns a deaf ear. It sees the T-TPLF gaming the election game and all it can say is there was “peaceful civic participation” and it is “concerned” and “troubled” about something. The Obama Administration does not even say what is troubling it or concerend about. By the way, they  said  the same exact thing in 2010.

That’s all the T-TPLF-U.S. “election” game is about.

Eurika! I finally figured it out!

In my October 5, 2015 commentary, “What Does President Obama “Know” About Ethiopia’s “Election?”, I pulled my hair out trying to figure out a curious remark made by President Barack Obama during his meeting with Ethiopia’s PPM  Hailemariam.

Obama said,  “… the Prime Minister [Hailemariam Desalegn] and the government is going to be organizing elections in Ethiopia this year. I know something about that… And so we’ll have an opportunity to talk about civil society and governance and how we can make sure that Ethiopia’s progress and example can extend to civil society as well…” (Emphasis added.)

I was intrigued, confused and galled by the President’s curious choice of words. I spent many sleepless nights trying to figure out what Obama “knew” about the May 2015 elections.

Did Obama know the T-TPLF was going to win by 100 percent and best its 2010 record of 99.6 percent?

Did Obama know the T-TPLF would completely shut down the political space for the opposition through intimidation and harassment, tighten its control over civil society, and curtail the activities of independent media in the run up to the “election”?

Did Obama know and remember his words on Civil Society in 2009 when he said, “Make no mistake: Civil society — civil groups hold their governments to high standards.”?Did Obama know opposition parties and leaders would be harassed, intimidated, jailed, persecuted and prosecuted in the run up to the “election”?

Did Obama know that as a result of the so-called “Proclamation on Charities and Society”,  “the number of civil society organizations in Ethiopia was reduced from about 4600 to about 1400 in a period of three months in early 2010 and their staff reduced by 90 percent”?

Did Obama know that the best and brightest Ethiopian journalists who reported on the last “election” in 2010 would  continue to languish in subhuman prisons and their ranks swelled by additional journalists?

Did Obama know that there are young men and women bloggers barely in their 20s jailed on “terrorism” charges merely for blogging on Facebook and speaking their minds on other social media?

Did Obama know and remember that in 2010 he had shamed the T-TPLF for suppressing the independent press?

Did Obama know the free press in Ethiopia is suppressed, muzzled and shuttered?

Does Obama know that there cannot be an election worth the name where the press, opposition parties and civil society organizations are suppressed and persecuted and there is no level playing political field?

Did Obama know and remember what he told the people of Africa in Accra, Ghana in 2009, “… This is about more than just holding elections. It’s also about what happens between elections. Repression can take many forms, and too many nations, even those that have elections, are plagued by problems that condemn their people to poverty. No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves… No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top… No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, even if occasionally you sprinkle an election in there. And now is the time for that style of governance to end.”

Did Obama know that Ethiopia today is under tyranny where corrupt thugs masquerading as leaders and their cronies who have a chokehold on the economy enrich themselves  skimming international aid and loans while occasionally sprinkling their thugogracy (thugtatorship) with elections to make it look like a democracy?

Did Obama know the truth of the words he said in 2008 as a presidential candidate, “You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change.’ It’s still gonna stink after eight years.”

Did Obama know that you can put the lipstick of election on thugocracy to make it look like a pretty democracy, but at the end of the day it is still a thugocracy?

Did Obama know that his Administration and the T-TPLF can wrap a thugocracy (thugtatprship) in a piece of ballot paper called “election” but after 24 years it’s still gonna stink?

“Ethiopia is a young democracy.” U.S. Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman (April 16, 2015)

የወያኔ የመከላከያ ከፍተኛ በጀት

ginbot 7የወያኔ የመከላከያን ከፍተኛ በጀት ለትግራይ ክልል እንደ ተጨማሪ ልዩ በጀት አድርጎ ይጠቀማል፡፡ በሰራዊቱ ውስጥ ዘረኛ መድሎን ይፈጽማል፡፡ የትግራይ ሪፑብሊክ ምስረታ ህልሙንም አልረሳም፡፡
በአሁኑ ጊዜ 85% የሚሆነው የመከላከያ ሠራዊት ከ1990 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በትግራይ ክልል ሠፍሮ ይገኛል፣ ይህንንም አጋጣሚ
በመጠቀም ፦
ለሠራዊቱ ቀለብ አቅርቦት ያለ ጨራታ ከአዛዧች ጋር በመመሳጣር፣ የትግራይ ሰዎች ብቻ እንዲያቀርቡ ተደርጓል። አቅራቢ ከሆኑትም መሀል አቶ ጉዕሺ፣ ወ/ሮ ዘውዴ ፣ አቶ ስብሀት ፣ ወ/ሮ አዲስ፣ አቶ ገብረስላሴ፣ አቶ ሃጎስ በመባል የታወቁ ሰዎች ይገኙበታል፡፡ ለሰራዊቱ የሚያቀርቡትም አትክልት ፣ በርበሬ፣ የወጥ እህሎችና ሥጋ፣ ዱቄት ፣ ዘይት ወዘተ. መሆኑ ታውቋል። አቅራቢዎቹ የትግራይ ሰዎች አቅርቦቱም ከትግራይ ክልል እንዲገዛ ተደርጓል። 

ሰራዊቱ በከፍተኛ ቁጥር ትግራይ ላይ በመስፈሩ ብቻ ምን ያህል የክልሉን የኢኮኖሚ እንቅስቃሴ እንደጠቀመ አንድ ምሳሌ እንስጥ፡፡ የወያኔ አንድ ወታደር በቀን 8 ዳቦ ይበላል፡፡ ይህም ማለት ወደ መቶ ሽህና ከእዛም በላይ የሚቆጠረው በትግራይ ውስጥ የሰፈረው ሰራዊት በአማካይ በትንሹ በቀን 800000 ዳቦ ያስፈልገዋል ማለት ነው፡፡ በቀን ይህን ያህል ዳቦ የማቅረብ ስራ ብቻ ምን ያህል ኢንቨስትመንት የሚያስፈልገው እንደሆነ መገመት ይቻላል፡፡ ወያኔ ሰራዊቱ በሆዱ እንዳይከፋበት ካለው ፍላጎት ለምግብ ከፍተኛ ወጪ ያደርጋል፡፡ ካዳቦ ውጭም በእዚሁ በትግራይ ክልል ውስጥ ሰራዊቱን መሰረት በማድረግ የሚመረተው የተለያየ የምግብ ውጤትና ሽያጭ በገንዝብ ሲለካ በብዙ መቶ ሚሊዮኖች ብር የሚቆጠር ይሆናል፡፡
ሌሎች ከቀለብ ውጭ በመደበኛ በጀት የሚገዙ አላቂና ቋሚ እቃዎች፣ የኤሌትሪክ ማሽነሪዎች ፣ የጽህፈት ዕቃዎች፣ ማንኛውም የቢሮና የመኖሪያ ቤት መገልገያ ዕቃዎችና የስልጠና መገልገያ ዕቃዎች፣ በሙሉ ከትግራይ ክልል ብቻ እንዲገዙ በመመሪያ ታዟል። ሌላው ቀርቶ ጠቅላላ የመከላከያ ወታደራዊ አገልግሎትና ሌሎች ጨርቃ ጨርቆች በሙሉ፣ ያለ ጨረታ አድዋ ከሚገኘው ከአልሜዳ ጨርቃ ጨርቅ ፋብሪካ ብቻ እንዲገዛ ተወስኖ፣ ተግባራዊ ከሆነ ብዙ አመታት አስቆጥሯል። ይህ ሰራዊት በአመት ሁለት ግዜ የደንብ ልብሱን እንዲቀይር ከወጣው መመሪያ ጋር ተደምሮ እነአልሜዳ ምን ያህል ገንዝብ ከመከላከያ ሚኒስቴር እንደሚዘርፉ ማየት ይቻላል፡፡

በኢትዮ – ኤርትራ ጦርነት ጊዜ የጦርነቱን አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም 50000 (ሃምሳ ሽህ ) የትግራይ ሚሊሻ በጦርነቱ ትሳትፏል፣ ጦርነቱ ከቀጠለም ይዋጋሉ፣ በሚል ምክንያት ሥራ ላይ ሣይገኙ በየቤታቸው ተቀምጠው፣ በመከላከያ የደሞዝ መክፈያ ሰነድ፣ ከሰኔ 1991 ጀምሮ እስከ ሰኔ 1993 ዓ.ም ድረስ በተራ በወታደር ማዕረግ በወር 500.00 (አምስት መቶ ) ብር ተክፍሏቸዋል። ይህ አሰራር መቋረጡን ማወቅ የቻልንበት ማስረጃ የለም፡፡

በግንባር አካባቢ ወታደራዊ ልምምድ ሲደረግ ልምምዱ የገበሬዎች ሰብል አውድሟል፣ የግጦሽ ሳራቸውን ጎድቷል፣ አትክልታቸውን ሰባብሯል፣ በሚል ሰበብ የልተመጣጠነ ከፍተኛ ዋጋ ይከፈላል። ለምሳሌ አዲግራት ደንጎል አካባቢ፣ በሁለት ሄክታር መሬት ላይ የተዘራ ገብስ ላይ ‹‹የተወሰነ የእግረኛ ልምምድ ተደርጎበት ወደመ›› ተብሎ የግብርና ባለሙያዎች መጥተው ‹‹ከ30-40% ምርት ሊቀንስ ይችላል›› ብለው ሄዱ። ለሰዎቹ ግን የተሰጠው የካሳ ክፍያ 780000 (ሰባት መቶ ሰማኒይ ሺ) ብር ነበር። ይህ ገንዝብ ግን በሙሉ በተራው ገበሬ እጅ የገባ ሳይሆን ሰራዊቱን በዋንኛነት የሚቆጣጠሩትን የትግራይ ተወላጅ የሆኑ ከፍተኛ መኮንኖች ኪስ እንዳደለበ ይታወቃል፡፡

ሠራዊቱ በትግራይ ከተሞችና ገጠሮች በብዛት ሰፍሯል። በሠፈረባቸው አካባቢዎች ሁሉ ለመኖሪያ፣ ለቢሮና ለመጋዘኖች፣ ቤቶችን በውድ ዋጋ ተከራይቶ ይጠቀማል። ሰራዊቱ በሚኖርባቸው ቤቶች፣ ካምፖች፣ በሚገለገልባቸው ቢሮዎች ውስጥ ለቤት ሰራተኛነት፣ ለጽዳት ሰራተኛነትና ለሌሎችም ስራዎች የሚቀጠረው የአካባቢው ተወላጅ ቁጥር በትግራይ የስራ አጡን ቁጥር በመቀነስ ትልቅ ሚና አለው፡፡ ሰፊ የስራ መስክ ሆኗል፡፡
ሰራዊቱ በየወሩ ደሞዙን ተቀብሎ መልሶ የሚያወድመው በእዚሁ ክልል ውስጥ ስለሆነ ከሰራዊቱ የመዝናኛ ፍላጎቶች ጋር የተያያዙ ኢንዱስትሪዎች ከፍተኛ ተጠቃሚዎች የሆኑበት ሁኔታ ተፈጥሯል፡፡ እነዚህ ደግሞ በዋንኛነት በወያኔ ወይም በወያኔ አባላት የተያዙ ናቸው፡፡
ወያኔዎች የወታደሩን ነፃ ጉልበት ተጠቅመው ሠራዊቱን በአፈርን ውሃ ዕቀባ፣ በእርሻና በእርከን ሥራ በአረምና በአጨዳ ሥራ ይጠቀሙበታል።

የመከላከያን የኮንስትራክሽን ማሽነሪዎችና ባለሙያዎች ክልሉ እንደፈለገ በነፃ ይጠቀምባቸዋል። ይህንን በመጠቀም በርካታ መንገዳች ተሰርተዋል። ግድቦች ተገንብተዋል።

ዘረኛነትንና አድሎን በተመለከተ ደግሞ የሚከተለው በደል ይፈጸማል። ከሰራዊቱ በተለያዩ ምክንያት የሚቀነሱ፣ በአካል መጉደል ወይም በሌሎች ምክንያቶች ሊሆን ይችላል፣ የሰራዊቱ አባላት መሃከል በዘር ላይ የተመሰረተ አድሎ ይፈጸማል፡፡

ከሌሎች ብሄረሰቦች የመጡ የሰራዊቱ አባላት የሚሰጣቸው ገንዝብ ከሚሰናበቱበት ግንባር ተነስተው ከሚኖሩበት ክልል የማያደርስ ነው፡፡ ለትግራይ ተወላጆች የሰራዊቱ ተቀናሾች ከመከላከያ ሚኒሰቴር በጀት ወጪ እየተደረገ የሚሰጠው ካሳ በአስር ሽዎች ብር የሚቆጠር ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ እነዚህ የሰራዊቱ አባላት በተለያዩ ስራዎች መቀጠል እንዲችሉ የስልጠና የብድር ሌሎችም አስፈላጊ ግብአቶች ይሟሉላቸዋል፡፡ በኢትዮ ኤርትራ ጦርነት ማብቂያ ከሰራዊቱ በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች የተቀነሱ የሌሎች ብሄረሰብ አባላት የተሰጣቸው ገንዝብ በግለሰብ ደረጃ ከ2000 እስከ 3000 ብር የሚደርስ ብቻ ነበር፡፡

 ለትግራይ ተወላጆች ግን ከ30 እስከ 40 ሽህ ብር ነበር፡፡ ሌሎቹ ከሰራዊቱ ከተበተኑ በኋላ ምንም አይነት የመቋቋሚ ድጋፍ ያልተደረገላቸው ሲሆን የትግራይ ብሄረሰብ ለሆኑ የሰራዊቱ አባላት ግን የሚደረገው አጠቃላይ የማቋቋሚ ድጋፍ በብዙ ሚሊዮን ብሮች በሚሰላ ሃብት የተደገፈ ነው፡፡ ይህን አሳዛኝ ዘረኛ አድሎ ወያኔ የሚፈጸመው ወያኔ እንደሚለው 70 ሽህ ዜጎች ሳይሆን 98ሽ ዜጎች ትግራይ ምድር ድረስ ተጉዘው መለስ ዜናዊ ‹‹ለወላይታው ምኑ ነው›› ያለውን የአክሱም ሃውልት ምድር ለመከላከል በረገፉበት ዘግናኝ ጦርነት ማግስት ነበር፡፡

 እግረ መንገዳችንን በኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ጦርነት ከሞቱት መሃል አብዛኛው አማሮች ሲሆኑ ከስምንት ሽህ በላይ የሚሆኑ የአፋር ተወላጆች በእዚህ ጦርነት ውድ ህይወታቸውን መክፈላቸውን ማወቅ ችለናል፡፡ አጅግ በርካታ የሆኑ የአካል ጉዳተኞችም ያለምንም ድጋፍ በየክልሎቹ ተበትነው፤ በጦርነት የተቆረጠ እግራቸውንና እጃቸውን መለመኛ አድርገው የመከራ ኑሮአቸውን ይገፋሉ፡፡ በሰዎች መታወቂያ ላይ ሳይቀር የዜጎችን ዘር ለመጻፍ ድፍረቱ ያለው አገዛዝና በሆነ ባለሆነ ስለብሄራዊ ተዋጽኦ ዲስኩር መስጠት የሚቀናቸው የወያኔ ባለስልጣናት ለምን በየጦርነቱ አውድማ የሚማግዱተን የህዝብ ቁጥርና የሟቾቹንና የተጎጂዎችን ብሄራዊ ተዋጽኦ ሊነግሩን
እንደማይፈቅዱ ከእዚህ መረጃ መገንዘብ ይቻላል ፡፡
ለማጠቃለል፡ ወያኔ የኢትዮ – ኤርትራ ፍጥቻ እንዲቀጥል የሚያደርገው፣ አብዛኛውን የሃገሪቱን የመከላከያ ሃይል በቀላሉ ሊቆጣጠረው ከሚችልበት አካባቢ ለማስቀመጥ እድል እንደሚሰጠው ስለሚያውቅ ነው፡፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ፍጥጫ እስከቀጠለ ድረስ የሃገሪቱ መከላከያ ሃይል ቁጥሩም በጀቱም አይቀንስም፡፡ የሚሰፍረውም በትግራይ ውስጥ ይሆናል፡፡

 ይሀ ማለት ከአመት አመት የመከላከያ በጀት በቀጥታም ይሁን በተዘዋዋሪ ከላይ በጠቀስናቸው መንገዶች በትግራይ ክልል የሚደረገውን የልማት ስራ አጋዥ ሆኖ ይቀጥላል፡፡ ይህንን ጠባብ፣ ዘረኛና ዘራፊ የሆነ የወያኔ ቡድን ፍላጎት እስካሟላ ድረስ፣ ኢትዮጵያ ከድህነቷ ጋር የማይመጣጠን ትልቅ የመከላከያ ሃይል ተሸክማ ኖረች አልኖረች ወያኔን አያሳስበውም፡፡

 ወያኔ ሌላው የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ፍጥጫ እንዲቀጥል የሚፈልግበት ምክንያት፣ ወደፊት ወያኔ በተቀረው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ላይ ሊፈጽም ላሰበው ወንጀል የመከላከያ ሃይሉን የጦር መሳሪያዎች በቀላሉ መጠቀሚያ ለማድርግ በሚያመች ቦታ ማከማቸት ስላስቻለው ነው፡፡ ዛሬ የሃገሪቱ የመከላከያ ሃይል፣ አየር ሃይሉ በሙሉ፣ ሜካናይዝድ ብርጌዱ ከነዘመናዊ ታንኮቹና መድፎቹ፣ በሰራዊት ውስጥ አለ የተባለው ሌላ ዘመናዊ መሳሪያ በሙሉ የሚገኘው በትግራይ ክልል ነው፡፡

በወያኔ የፖለቲካ ስሌት ውስጥ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በወያኔ ዘረኛነትና ዘራፊነት ላይ ተንገፍግፎ ከተነሳ ትግራይን ከነሙሉ የሃይል ማመንጫዎቿ፣ በኤፈርት ዘረፋ ከተሰባሰበው ታላቅ የገንዝብ ካፒታል ጋር፣ በኤርትራ ፍጥጫ ስም በክልሏ ወያኔ እንዲከማች ካደረገው የሃገሪቱ ወታደራዊ ድርጅትና ዘመናዊ የተሟላ የጦር መሳሪያ ጋር፣ በዘር አድሎ ላይ በተመሰረተ የሃገር ውስጥና የውጭ ትምህርትና የሙያ ስልጠና ሲሰጣቸው ከኖሩት የጦርና የሲቪል ሙያተኞች ጋር ከኢትዮጵያ ገንጥሎ፣ እነመለስ ዜናዊ የነገሱባት ነጻ የትግራይ ሪፑብሊክ ለማወጅ ይቻላል የሚል ስሌት ጨምሮ እንደሆነ መረዳት ይገባል፡፡

 ወያኔ ከሌሎች ብሄርና ብሄረሰብ የመጡትን የሰራዊት አባላት ከትግራይ አባሮ የሃገሪቱን መከላከያ ሃይል ሙሉ በሙሉ ይዞ ያለምንም መከላከያ ሃይልና መሳሪያ ባዶውን የቀረውን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እንዳሻው እያስፈራራና እያሸበረ በነጻይቱ ትግራይ ላይ ተረገጋቶ የመኖር ተለዋጭ እቅድ ያለው ዘረኛ አገዛዝ መሆኑን መላ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በግዜ ማወቅ የሚገባው ጉዳይ ነው፡፡