This event was part of the worldwide one planned to be held in 26 countries and major cities and held on August 31 starting at 15:00 (3:00 p.m.). This colorful event was organized by the Democratic Change in Ethiopia Support Organization in Norway (DCESON) and Ato Abebe Bogale the deputy chairman of Ginbot 7 was the guest.

Many Ethiopians living in Oslo and its environs attended the event. The programs of the day began by the participants singing the song of the Ginbot7 popular force and Ato Abi Amare the head of the public relations part of the DCESON, welcomed the participants. A minute of silence was observed for all the victims of the brutal TPLF rule for 23 years.
The first speaker was Ato Debasu Melesu the chairman of the taskforce and conveyed 3 main and strong messages. His first message was to Ato Andargachew Tsige and noted the suffering of the latter in the hands of the TPLF and assured him that the struggle will be intensified and the goal he has been struggling for will be achieved.
He also stressed that we will make your and our enemies, the TPLF pay for it. His second message was to all who have decided to fight the TPLF and taken up arms and said that we Ethiopians are by your side and you will win. The third message was to the TPLF and he urged them to overcome their inferiority complex and end the imprisonment, persecutions, killings and brutal torture of Ethiopians, Ato Debassu`s speech was followed by the video presentation of the objectives, visions, and missions of Ginbot 7.
The next speaker was Ato Yohannes Alemu chairman of the DCESON and stated that similar events are being or to be held worldwide. He is pleased with the DCESON`s work to organize a similar event in Norway. Moreover, he mentioned about the worsening misrule of the TPLF and its aggravated violations of human rights and repressions in Ethiopia, The only option and solution to these repressions and violations is the removal of the TPLF from power and we all should continue the struggle and participate with concrete actions to attain this goal (removing the TPLF from power).
He pointed out that the time for action has come and we should seize it. In the end he thanked all who contributed to organizing the event. The next speaker was ato Abebe Bogale who was the guest of the day. He mentioned that this event is part of the worldwide one being or to be held in different countries and the messages to be conveyed on are the same (I am also Andargachew Tsige).
He explained the meaning and significance of the rallying motto `I am also Andargachew Tsige` to the participants. Our fellow Ethiopians are fleeing in large numbers to the Arab countries and the rest of the world. The root cause of this flight is the racist and repressive rule of the TPLF and thus it is the responsibility of all Ethiopians to get rid of this dictatorial rule. He also dealt with the reasons for the prolonged rule of the TPLF in Ethiopia.
He went on and said that the TPLF has formed women`s, youth etc. organizations and offers members some benefits to prolong its rule. The young have a special responsibility to remove the TPLF from power. The recent merger agreements among Ginbot 7, patriotic front and Amhara people`s movement will be finalized and the struggle will be stepped up.
The same process will be undertaken with the TPDM and others engaged in the armed struggle. He ended his speech by emphasizing the need to support these mergers and unification.
The fighter Mola the chairman of the TPDM addressed the participants through telephone. He told the participants about the formation of his movement, its present struggle and increasing number of the young from Tigray that are joining it. He said that although the movement bears the name Tigray, it is struggling for the rights of all Ethiopians.
Finally, Ato Daniel Abebe the vice chairman of the DCESON made concluding remarks on Ato Andargachew`s struggle for freedom, democracy, unity and justice. It is time to bring to its end the 23 year brutal, racist, divisive and fascistic rule of the TPLF and urged all to unite and end the rule.
The successful staging of the event was made possible through
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