torsdag 30. mars 2017

Ethiopia extends national state of emergency by 4 months

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian lawmakers on Thursday extended the country’s six-month state of emergency for an additional four months. The widely expected move came amid reports of continued violence and anti-government activities in some remote, restive areas.
The state of emergency, called after months of sometimes deadly protests demanding wider political freedoms, has hurt one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies.
“We still have some anti-peace elements that are active and want to capitalize on disputes that arise among regional states in the country,” Ethiopia’s defense minister, Siraj Fegessa, told lawmakers. “In addition, some leaders of the violent acts that we witnessed before are still at large.”
More than 25,000 people suspected of taking part in protests were detained under the state of emergency. Several thousand have been released. The government has indicated that a “few thousand” others will face justice for their role in organizing the protests.
Hundreds died in the protests that first ignited in the Oromia region in November 2015 and spread into the Amhara region, with people also demanding the release of political prisoners.
Ethiopia’s security has improved but the extension of the state of emergency is needed to bring a “lasting peace,” said the defense minister, who cited a government-conducted nationwide poll in which he said the public “significantly” demanded the extension.
Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in a recent address to parliament said 82 percent of Ethiopians want a partial or full continuation of the state of emergency. However, opposition figures and parties say it is used to clamp down on their activities, especially in rural regions.
Ethiopia’s parliament is 100 percent controlled by the ruling EPRDF party.
Some parts of the state of emergency recently were removed, including arbitrary arrests without court orders and restrictions on radio, television and theater.

onsdag 29. mars 2017

Ethiopia to revamp Puntland airport

Ethiopia is to cover the cost of revamping the old Kacaan airport in Puntland. The news comes as relations between Ethiopia and Somaliland sours following the latter’s decision to let the United Arab Emirates establish a military base in Berbera.
“Disillusioned with Somaliland, Ethiopia fertilizes Puntland,” says a report by the MENAFN – Somaliland Sun.
The report quoted president Gas of Puntland as saying an agreement has been reached for a multimillion dollar funding for revamping the airport in Galkayo as well as the Garowe- Eyl Road.
The report said the project will be implemented by a Chinese construction firm.
Addis Ababa is not happy with the move by Somaliland allowing UAE to have a military base, which will certainly bring its Nile river arch enemy Egypt within striking distance of the GERD dam, a multi million dollar hydroelectric project, the report said referring to the longstanding dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt over the use of the Nile waters.

Ethiopia: Thousands receive eviction notice in the capital

Reports reaching from Addis Ababa say thousands of households in the capital receive eviction notices.
At least 5,600 households in Furi subdivision of the capital received the notice on Monday to pack and leave by the coming Monday while a total of 1,516 residents in Kirkos subdivision were given three days to leave.
A mother of three who spoke to ESAT on the phone said she and her children have nowhere to go. Asked if authorities have provided alternative housing, she said there was none.
“Only over our dead bodies can the powers that be remove us from our homes,” another resident said.
Residents in both subdivisions said they were not provided with alternative housing nor compensations.
Thousands of residents in the capital were evicted to give way to what authorities say development projects meant to change the image of the capital.
A confrontation during a demolition in the Bole subdivision last year resulted in the death of five police officers and several residents sustained  injuries.

tirsdag 28. mars 2017

Ethiopia: Regime to charge 5000 protesters

Five thousand of the over twenty-thousand protesters detained en mass under Ethiopia’s state of emergency would be brought to court.
The “command post” charged with overseeing the martial law disclosed that 26,130 people were detained at the height of the protest last summer in the Oromo and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. It said about 20,000 have been released following what it called “rehabilitation training programs.”
According to state media, the command post said 4,996 people would be brought to court for allegedly taking part in the protests.
The regime is expected to announce on Thursday if the martial law would continue to be the law of the land. Speaking to the parliament, titular Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has given indications last week that the country would stay under the state of emergency.
Rights groups decry the state of emergency citing extrajudicial arrests and killing as well as rampant abuse of power it gave to security forces who act with impunity.

ESAT Menalesh Meti, Ethiopia vast majority struggle for survival March 28 2017

mandag 27. mars 2017

Ethiopia: University professors decry rampant human rights violations

University professors in Gondar, Dessie, Debremarkos, Debretabor and other areas denounce the handling of human rights by the regime in the country and the killing of hundreds of youth in the last two years in protests in various parts of the country.
At a meeting with officials of the regime, the professors also said the economic development narrative and double digit growth propaganda by the regime does not square with the reality of life and hardship they are facing.
The professors said the lives of so many youth were cut short by the brutal actions of the regime’s security forces as the time has been one of the most perilous for the youth in the history of the nation.
They have also pointed out that the defence, economy and political power in the nation is controlled by few members of the ethnic oligarchy who do not care about the rest of the nation.

Patriotic Ginbot 7 Breaking News March 26, 2017 – የአርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ሰበር ዜና መጋቢት 26, 2017

የየካ አባዶ ደብረ ልዕልና ቅድስት አርሴማ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እንድትፈርስ ፍ/ቤት ወሰነ

የደብሩ አስተዳደር ውሳኔውን በመቃወም ይግባኝ ጠይቋል

(አዲስ አድማስ፤ ቅዳሜ፣ መጋቢት 16 ቀን 2009 ዓ.ም.)

አበባ የካ ክፍለ ከተማ፣ ወረዳ 12 ውስጥ የምትገኘው፣ የየካ አባዶ ደብረ ልዕልና ቅድስት አርሴማ ቤተ ክርስቲያን፣ በሕገ ወጥ ይዞታ ላይ፣ ያለግንባታ ፈቃድ መሠራቷን የገለጸው ፍ/ቤት፣ እንድትፈርስ ወሰነ፡፡
በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ፍ/ቤት፣ የካ ምድብ ችሎት፣ ባለፈው ረቡዕ በሰጠው ውሳኔ፥ ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ እንዳትፈርስ፣ በደብሩ ለቀረበው የሁከት ይወገድልኝ ክሥ፣ ኅዳር 8 ቀን 2009 ዓ.ም. ሰጥቶት የነበረው የእግድ ትእዛዝ መነሣቱን አስታውቋል፡፡
በከሣሽ፥ የደብረ ልዕልና ቅድስት አርሴማ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እና በተከሣሽ፥ የወረዳው ደንብ ማስከበር ጽ/ቤት መካከል የቀረቡትን አቤቱታዎችና ሲካሔድ የቆየውን የቃል ክርክር መመርመሩን የገለጸው ፍ/ቤቱ፤ ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ የተሠራችበትን ቤትና ቦታ፣ ሰኔ 24 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም በተደረገ የስጦታ ውል ያስተላለፉት ግለሰቦች፤ ይዞታውን በሕጋዊ አግባብ ባልተጨበረበረ ኹኔታ እንዳገኙት የሚያስረዳ ማስረጃ በከሣሽ በኩል አልቀረበም፤ ብሏል፡፡
ቤቱም፣ የሚመለከተው የከተማው አስተዳደር የግንባታ ፈቃድና ቁጥጥር ጽ/ቤት ፈቃድ ሰጥቶ ስለ መሠራቱ ማስረጃ አለመቅረቡንና በመሥመር ካርታ ወይም በ1997 ዓ.ም. የአየር ካርታ ላይ እንደማይታይ፣ የክፍለ ከተማው የመሬት ልማትና ማኔጅመንት ጽ/ቤት፣ በፍርድ ቤቱ ትእዛዝ
አጣርቶ በሰጠው ምላሽ ማረጋገጡን አስረድቷል፡፡
ለክሡ መነሻ የኾነው ቤት፣ በደብሩ አስተዳደር የቤተ ክርስቲያን ቅርጽ እንዲኖረው ተደርጎ በድጋሚ የተሠራውም፣ በሕግ ሥልጣን ከተሰጠው የከተማው አስተዳደር አካል፣ በቅድሚያ የግንባታ ፈቃድ ሳይገኝ መኾኑን ፍ/ቤቱ በውሳኔው ጠቅሷል፡፡
የወረዳው ደንብ ማስከበር ጽ/ቤት፣ የቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን ግንባታ እንዲያቆምና የተሠራውም እንዲፈርስ፣ ለደብሩ የሰጠው ማስጠንቀቂያ፦
“በሕግ የተሰጠውን፥ የከተማውን ማስተር ፕላን የማስጠበቅ ሓላፊነት መወጣቱ እንጂ፣ የሁከት ተግባር አይደለም፤ በደብሩ የቀረበውም ክሥ ተቀባይነት የለውም፤” ሲል ወስኗል፡፡ ለለይዞታ ክሡ መነሻ በኾነው ግንባታ ላይ ቀደም ሲል ተላልፎ የነበረው የእግድ ትእዛዝ መነሣቱንም አስታውቋል፡፡
በሌላ በኩል፣ የደብረ ልዕልና ቅድስት አርሴማ ቤተ ክርስቲያን አስተዳደር፣ የፍ/ቤቱን ውሳኔ በመቃወም ይግባኝ መጠየቁ ተጠቁሟል፡፡
ይዞታውን ለቤተ ክርስቲያን መሥሪያ በስጦታ ውል ያስተላለፉት በጎ አድራጊዎች፣ በሕጋዊ ውርስ ያገኙትና የመንግሥት ግብር ይገብሩበት እንደነበር፣ አዋሳኙ ተጠቅሶ በፍ/ቤት የተረጋገጠ ማስረጃ፣ በደብሩ በኩል ለችሎቱ ቀርቦ እንደነበር ተገልጧል፡፡
ቤቱም የተሠራው ከ1997 ዓ.ም. በፊት ሲኾን፣ ቆርቆሮውን በመቀየር ለቤተ ክርስቲያን አገልግሎት እንዲመች ለማድረግ መለስተኛ ለውጥ መደረጉ ተጠቅሷል፡፡ ይህም፣ በቁጥር 217 ያኽል የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች፣ በቅድስት አርሴማ ስም ቤተ ክርስቲያን እንዲተከልላቸው ያቀረቡትን ጥያቄ መሠረት አድርጎ የተከናወነ መኾኑ ታውቋል፡፡
ምእመናኑ፣ ለየካ ክፍለ ከተማ ቤተ ክህነት ጽ/ቤት እና ለአዲስ አበባ ሀገረ ስብከት ጽ/ቤት የአቀረቡትን ጥያቄ መነሻ በማድረግ፣ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ማቋቋም እንዲቻል፣ ሀገረ ስብከቱ፣ ለየካ ክፍለ ከተማ መሬትና ልማት አስተዳደር ጽ/ቤት በደብዳቤ ቢያሳውቅም፣ ለሳምንታት ምላሽ ሳይሰጥ በመቆየቱ፣ በጠቅላይ ቤተ ክህነት በቅድስት አርሴማ ስም የተፈቀደው ጽላት ገብቶ ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ ላለፉት አራት ወራት አገልግሎት በመስጠት ላይ እንዳለች ውዝግቡ መቀስቀሱ ተመልክቷል፡፡
“ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ፣ ከላይ በተገለጸው አግባብ ተቋቁማ ለአካባቢው ሕዝበ ክርስቲያን መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎት እየሰጠች ባለችበት፣ የወረዳው ደንብ ማስከበር ጽ/ቤት ሥልጣኑን ያለአግባብ ተጠቅሞ ለማፍረስ በዝግጅት ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ በመኾኑም፣ እየፈጠረ ያለው የሁከት ተግባር እንዲወገድ አመልክተናል፤” ይላል፣ በደብሩ ቀርቦ የነበረው የክሥ ማመልከቻ፡፡
Source:  አዲስ አድማስ

søndag 26. mars 2017

ከአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ለአንድነትና ዴሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ የተሰጠ መግለጫ

የስልጣን ዕድሜን ከማራዘምና ከማራዘም ባለፈ ምንም አይነት ህልም የሌላቸው የወያኔው ቡድን ባለስልጣናት የህዝብና የአገርና ጥቅም ከቶ አይታሰብም። የህዝቡ የኑሮ መሻሻልና የመልካም አስተዳደር ባለቤትነት አስጨንቋቸው አያውቅም። የሃገር ሉዓላዊነት፣ የዜጎች ሰብዓዊና ዴሞክራሲያዊ መብቶች መከበር ወዘተ ለደቂቃም ቢሆን አሳስቧቸው አያውቅም። ስልጣናችንን ይጋፋናል ወይም ይነጥቀናል ብለው የሚሰጉት ማናቸውም በተናጥልም ሆነ በግል የሚደረጉ የህዝባዊ ወገንተኝነት እንቅስቃሴዎች ሁሉ ለማዳፈን የማይቆፍሩት ጉድጓድ የለም። ይገድላሉ፣ያስራሉ፣ለመግለጽ በሚያስቸግር መልኩ ይደበድባሉ፣ያስፈራራሉ … በአጠቃላይ አገዛዙ ከህዝብ ጋር የሚያቆራኘውና በስልጣን እንዲቀጥል የሚያስችል ቅንጣት ታክል የሞራል ልዕልና የለውም። በተስፋ መቁረጥ ተዘፍቆ የሚያደርገው ጠፍቶት የሚባዝን ለመሆኑ አንዱ ማሳያ ስርዓቱ ከሚታወቅበት መሰረታዊ አቋሙ ተንሸራቶ የባጥ የቆጡን ሲዘላብድ ለተመለከተው የዕውር ድንብር ጉዞ ውስጥ እንዳለ ይገነዘባል።
አርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ከተመሰረተ አንስቶ አገርና ህዝብን እያጠፋ ካለው ወሮበላው የወያኔ ቡድን ጋር ሁለንተናዊ ትግል እያካሄደ ይገኛል።
የአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ንቅናቄ የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ ለአንድ ሳምንት ባካሄደው ጥልቅ ስብሰባ የንቅናቄውን ስትራቴጂ የፈተሸበትና ወቅታዊ የአገራችንን ሁኔታ በስፋት የታየበት ሙሉ መግባባት የደረሰበት ነው። በድርጅቱ ውስጥ ያሉ አጠቃላይ ተግዳሮቶችን ነቅሶ በማውጣት ለችግሮቹም የመፍትሄ አቅጣጫ ያስቀመጠበት ነው። በህዝባችን ላይ በሃይል የተጫነውን የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ አንድምታ የተቃኘበትና ከአዋጁ ጋር በተያያዘ መሰራት ያለባቸውን ስራዎች የወሰነበት ነው። በተለይም አገር ውስጥ ባለው የሕዝባዊ አመጽና የሕዝባዊ እምቢተኝነት እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ አመራሩ ሙሉ አቅሙን አሟጦ በመጠቀም የለውጥ ትግሉ ለማፋጠን በአገራዊ ወኔ ተነሳሽነት መንፈስ የተነሳበት ነው። በአገር ውስጥና በውጭ ያለው የፖለቲካ አሰላለፍ የታየበትና ለአዲሲቷ ኢትዮጵያ ምስረታ ከወዲሁ እነደ ድርጅት በተናጥልና ከሌሎች ድርጅቶች ጋር በጋራ መደረግ ስለሚገባቸው ጉዳዮች ስምምነት የተደረሰበት ነው። የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴው ከንቅናቄው ስትራቴጂ በመነሳት የስራ ቅደም ተከተል በማስቀመጥ ከስራው ጋር በተገናኘ የሚያስፈልጉ ግብዓቶችን በማደላደል በቁርጠኝነት መንፈስና በተናበበ አሰራር የአገር ውስጥ የለውጥ ትግሉ ከነበረው የበለጠ አቅም ለመገንባት የወሰነበት ነው። 
በአብዛኛው የአገራችን ኢትዮጵያ ክፍሎች ህዝቡ ያደረገውንና እያደረገ ያለውን ትግል ፖለቲካዊ መፍትሄ ከመፈለግ ይልቅ በጭካኔና በጉልበት ለመቀልበስ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ የወጣ ቢሆንም ዛሬም ሕዝቡ ለመብቱና ለነጻነቱ ያለውን አይበገሬነት ከበፊቱ በተጠናከረና የወያኔን ጥቃት እንዳመጣጡ በመመከት አኩሪ ተጋድሎዎችን እያደረገ ነው። አርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ከህዝቡ ጋር በመሆን በሁለንተናዊ መልኩ የለውጥ ጥረቱን በመደገፍ፣ በማስተባበርና በመምራት ያለ የሌለ ሃይሉን በመጠቀም ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የቁርጥ ቀን ደራሽነቱን ያረጋግጣል።
አምባገነኑ አገዛዝ በህዝባችን ላይ በግፍ እያደረሰ ያለውን ጥቃት ለመታደግና ለዴሞክራሲያዊ ስርዓት ግንባታ መላው የአገራችን ሕዝብ በህዝባዊ እምቢተኝነት፣ በህዝባዊ አሻጥር ፣በህዝባዊ አመጽና በውጪው ዓለም በሚደረገው አገር አድን እንቅስቃሴ ዛሬውኑ በመሳተፍ አገራዊ ግዴታውን እንዲወጣና የተቃዋሚ ሃይላት በትናንሽ ልዩነቶች ላይ ትኩረት ከማድረግ ይልቅ የህዝብን የስልጣን ባለቤትነት ተቀብለውና ህዝቡ ዴሞክራሲያዊ መብቱን ተጎናጽፎ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት ወይም ድርጅቶችን ለስልጣን እስከ ሚያወጣ ድረስ ልዩነቶቻቸውን አጥበው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ከተጋረጠበት አደጋ ለመታደግ በጋራ እንዲነሱ የአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ ወገናዊ ጥሪውን ያቀርባል። 
የስብሰባው ተሳታፊዎች ፡-
1, አርበኛ ታጋይ ፕሮፌሰር ብርሃኑ ነጋ – ሊቀመንበር
2, አርበኛ ታጋይ መአዛው ጌጡ – ምክትል ሊቀመንበር
3, አርበኛ ታጋይ መንግስቱ ወልደስላሴ – የፖለቲካ መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
4, አርበኛ ታጋይ ገበየሁ አባጎራው – የመረጃና ደህንነት መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
5, አርበኛ ታጋይ ተስፋሁን ተገኘ – የስልጠናና ትምህርት መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
6, አርበኛ ታጋይ ታሪኩ ግርማ – የአስተዳደር መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
7, አርበኛ ታጋይ ኮማንደር አሰፋ ማሩ – የወታደራዊ መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
8, አርበኛ ታጋይ ኑርጀባ አሰፋ – የውጭ ጉዳይ መምሪያ ሃላፊና የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ አባል
አንድነት ሃይል ነው!
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!
መጋቢት 16/2009 ዓ/ም የአርበኞች ግንቦት ሰባት ንቅናቄ የስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ

Thousands of Hungry Somalis Trekking to Ethiopia

March 24, 2017 – Menaced by Al Shabab militants and a worsening drought, thousands of Somalis are abandoning the land to seek refuge in neighbouring Ethiopia, according UNHCR report. Hungry and exhausted, Aisha Yussuf Abdi, 40, and her seven young children finally reached Ethiopia at the end of a desperate three-day trek over the border from Somalia.
“We walked and slept on the road,” she says, her eyes flitting nervously as she recalls the journey. “I had to leave my husband and parents behind for my children to have a fighting chance to survive.”
Aisha is amongst some 4,300 Somali refugees who have fled Al Shabab violence and a worsening drought for Ethiopia this year – a growing number of them reaching safety pinched and gaunt through lack of food.
“People are arriving hungry. A significant number of the children and mothers are malnourished,” says Sandra Harlass, Senior Health Officer for in Ethiopia for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.
At the Dollo Ado Reception Centre, refugees are registered and screened for medical problems. Nearly three-quarters of the children under five arriving are malnourished. “It’s a very fragile situation which needs urgent attention to save lives,” says Harlass.
Already in the grip of instability and resurgent violence, Somalia is experiencing its worst drought in seven years. The vast majority of those fleeing come from the regions of Bay, Gedo and Middle Juba, where most families raise livestock or make their living from tilling the land.
“We had our farm, our cows and food on our table. But you could feel the drought coming,” Aisha says. The family tried in vain to keep their farm in production, but when their efforts failed, she knew it was time to leave. “All of our cows, everything, died before our eyes. We are hungry and we are looking for food,” she adds.

torsdag 23. mars 2017

Ethiopia: Political prisoner exposes horrific torture in prison

Habtamu Ayalew (March 23, 2017)
A former political prisoner says TPLF investigators inflict unimaginable physical and psychological torture on prisoners including but not limited to damaging their reproductive organs and making them sterile for life.
In an interview with the VOA Amharic service, Habtamu Ayalew, former spokesperson for the opposition Andinet Party said not only he had endured physical torture, the psychological scar is still enduring even worse.
Habtamu said what the investigators inflict on prisoners is something he wouldn’t dare to say in public due to it’s graphic nature and that his religion would allow him to speak about the bestial acts of regime investigators.
He said investigators would hang a bottle of water on prisoners’ genitals while the prisoners are hanged on a pole to obtain forced confession. “They also tie ropes to your genital and pull it for a period of time,” he told the VOA. “I know so many prisoners who have become sterile due to this heinous torture.”
He said prisoners at the Central Investigation Bureau in Addis Ababa,   widely considered as Ethiopia’s torture chamber, are only allowed to use the bathroom twice a day for an average of 2 min at a time.
Habtamu recounted his experience at the Investigation Bureau where he was once put in solitary confinement without access to a bathroom and was forced to use plastic bags and water bottles. “They would also punch you on the back, right where your kidneys are, so you will take a leak on yourself. They would tie prisoners to a chair for days on till they defecate on themselves.”
Habtamu mentioned by name some of the political prisoners that have undergone through some of the despicable acts of torture: Abebe Wergesa, Lejisa Alemayehu, Angaw Tegegn, Agbaw Setegn, Engidaw Wanaw and Abay Zewdu.
Security forces arrested Habtamu Ayalew and detained him for over two years falsely accusing him of having links to Patriotic Ginbot 7, an armed group fighting the tyrannical regime for a democratic change. He was later released and came to the United States to get medical attention to a serious ailment that resulted from the torture he had endured at prison.

onsdag 22. mars 2017

Gambella: Former president says indifference by regime encourages cross border raid

Omot Obang Olom
ESAT News (March 22, 2017)
The former president of the Gambella region says cross border raid by the Murle of South Sudan has continued unabated due to indifference by the Ethiopian regime that repeatedly fails to protect its citizens from foreign attacks.
In an exclusive interview with ESAT, Omot Obang Olom said it has been a long held strategy by the minority regime to destabilize the Gambella region.
Olom held TPLF officials, including the late prime minister Meles Zenawi, responsible for the loss of lives of hundreds of Anyuaks in 2004 in Gambella.
He recalled that the former dictator had called him to his office and told him that all the land in Gambella would be sold to investors since the population in the region is small compared to the land. He said despite objections by the Gambella people, federal officials namely Abay Tsehaye and Dr. Gebreab Barnabas have implemented Meles’ order resulting in the displacement of thousands of local people from their ancestral land.
Omot Olom said the fact that the Murle from South Sudan could easily inflict unimaginable horror on the people of Gambella is because the regime deliberately ignored to protect the people in that region.
In a related news, Murle armed men on Tuesday abducted three girls.
Cross border raids by the Murle since last year resulted in the death of hundreds of Anyuaks and the abduction of well over hundred children.

tirsdag 21. mars 2017

Ethiopia: WHO chief hopeful profiteering from tomato pests

Tedros Adhanom
ESAT News  (March 21, 2017)
Ethiopia’s former foreign minister, who is running for the top post at WHO, Tedros Adhanom, is reportedly profiteering from his tomato farm as pests destroyed other vegetable farms in the country.
An unusual tomato disease destroyed tomato farms across the country, save Dr. Tedros’ horticulture, driving prices of tomatoes to skyrocket. As a result, a kiligram of tomato from Tedros’ farm is being sold at 45 Ethiopian Birr (2 USD)  in the capital Addis Ababa.
Dr. Tedros is reportedly the only importer of tomato pesticides in the country, making his business profit both from the spread of the disease and the resulting shortage of tomatoes.
As a member of the ruling clique, Dr. Tedros has unfettered access to land and preferential business deals making him the sole exporter of tomatoes and importer of the pesticide.
Sources close to ESAT say Dr. Tedros’ tomato farm, called “East Africa” sales upto 300,000 birr (15,000 USD) per day while the price of a liter of the pesticide is 24,000 birr (1100 dollars).
The former foreign minister is running for the WHO top position despite records of misappropriation of malaria and TB funds when he was the minister of health.
His critics say that his embarrassing performance at the first round interview by the WHO executives was a clear sign of his incompetence. Ethiopian activists are campaigning against his candidacy accusing him of  representing a corrupt and brutal minority regime committing torture, mass arrests and extrajudicial killings.

mandag 20. mars 2017


Ethiopian Task Force of NY/NJ

The quote is taken from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran Pastor who participated in the resistance against Nazism; he was clearly saying do not sit back and tolerate evil. We believe the quote is timely for all Ethiopians facing government-sponsored terrorism, especially during the current martial law.
It has been six months since Ethiopians have been subjected to complete isolation and terrorization by a terrorist government that has never been democratically elected. This should be noted as there was no fair election in the country since 2005 when people completely rejected the current government that killed peaceful demonstrators, put opposition members in prison and played stupid games with legitimate votes to come out as the leader despite the overwhelming rejection. As Dr. Merera Gudina puts it clearly, the two weapons that allowed TPLF to survive for over twenty years are (1) TPLF controlled election Board that has no shame allowing elections without real opposition and keeps cheating and stealing votes to claim 100% win and (2) TPLF controlled killer Police and Military force with 90% of its leaders from a single ethnic group that are also TPLF members. 
Over the years Ethiopians in various parts of the country demanding democratic rights have faced assassinations, imprisonments, and tortures. Mass killings have been carried out in Gambela, Ogaden, Amhara, and Oromo regions to suppress opposition. Police have been given orders to shoot directly on peaceful demonstrators and families have lost their loved ones and some of us are still silent as if the killings are justified.
It is not secret that the government has given discriminatory employment preference based on political affiliation and ethnic association. There are a lot of cases where a person from one ethnic group is selected for important positions just because of ethnic association. This has been going for a long time now, and Ethiopians have been very patient and have given TPLF a chance to mature and grow beyond its narrow ethnic interests , however the ego to control and suppress others became more notable over the years than the desire to democratize and be fair. This was also well describes by Dr Merera when he said “TPLF did come out of the jungle, but the Jungle has not left TPLF” Over the years there is a calculated move by these corrupt leaders to control resources in all over the country via displacement and elimination of indigenous people. The Anuak massacre of 2003 is a good example where the government incites ethnic cleansing and kills thousands to overtake the land for Tigray Ethiopians that are complicit with its crime and most of us were silent.
The so called EFFORT (Endowment Fund for Rehabilitation of Tigray) is another example of a ploy to use government as a mafia type organization rather than a neutral governing body. It is no secret for Ethiopians that the government has been involved in unprecedented corruption doing businesses in the country. EFFORT which is organized in the name of the people of Tigray was allowed to become an economic dominant force in the country favored by tax breaks and intentionally created loopholes. All business dealings have been done using more than sixty organizations under it. No conflict of interest is known to these hoodlums, banks have been pouring money in the name of loans for these organizations (illegal), and businesses run by others have intentionally been weakened to facilitate big market share and bankrupt competitors (illegal). In some instances money borrowed from banks for purposes of development has been funneled directly to foreign banks. A lot of foreign aid for farmers has been tunneled to benefit EFFORT and its affiliates in the name of development and poverty reduction. In short EFFORT is used to steal resources to enrich few TPLF members and their families. Again when TPLF is and has been stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from poor Ethiopians most of us are silent. 
Most Ethiopians hoped this narrow minded party will learn from its mistakes and change its strategy. People have hoped that when ruling a big, diverse and resourceful country TPLF would improve itself and get out of purely ethnic based interests and be inclusive. However more than twenty years of TPLF rule have shown the party and its cronies are entrenched in ethnicity and there is nothing that will make them change. So it is inevitable for the good of Ethiopia and Ethiopians TPLF be removed from power. There will not be peace between Ethiopians and TPLF leadership as it is synonymous with Evil and stands for Terrorize People & Lie Forever (TPLF). 
As one of the poorest countries in the world subjected to unimaginable poverty over the years, the promotion of ethnicism by TPLF as the ideology for organizing Ethiopians is leading the country to extreme poverty and a dangerous path of destruction. Not only are things getting worse for more than 98% of its people but ethnic politics is also a threat to the existence and development of Ethiopians and Ethiopia as a country. An article written by Professor Worku Abera of Dawson College defines ethnic politics as “the art of devising, promoting, and exploiting ethnic discord to appropriate scarce resources for a narrow end. Resources include political power, land, capital, and employment, specifically employment in government bureaucracies and state-owned enterprises.” ( Therefore, ethnic politics legitimized by the ruling party is not the answer rather a bigger problem to Ethiopia; as a result we should all stand up against and fight it for the good of our people and the existence of our country. All ethnic groups in Ethiopia should be united and organized to fight and condemn divisive ethnic politics perpetrated by TPLF which could lead to ethnic cleansing. We should celebrate our diversity and unite under Ethiopian nationalism or “Ethiopiawinet” which is the cement that holds us all together and which gives a voice to all Ethiopians including millions that are of mixed ethnicity whose existence is not even considered by the sitting government. We should all say no to second class citizenship and work hard collectively to solve problems and alleviate poverty and prosper together as one nation.
At this time, people all over the country are crying for help, and the intention by TPLF to terrorize Ethiopians and crash any opposition in and around Oromia and Amhara regions is resulting in imprisonments of thousands of youth in malaria infested areas. Amhara and Oromo youth are being used for hard labor left to die without food and drinks and tortured and terrorized every day to prove to them that their demand for democratic rights is controlled and will not be allowed by the current Ethnocratic government. Under TPLF humanity is lost, terrorizing and intimidating people while talking about fake democracy has become very common. The imprisonment of prominent leaders like Dr. Merera, Bekele Gerba, journalists like Eskinder Nega, Khalid Mohammed, Darsema Sori and bloggers like Temesgen Desalegn, Seyoum Teshome is clear indication that TPLF doesn’t care about people’s demands and intends to rule by force as long as it could.
All atrocities’ are committed without anyone looking. While there is only less than 5% internet access and limited number of cell phones, the government closed all communications so that others will not witness its cruelty. It removed dishes and broke TV in individual houses so that people could not access news from outside newscasters like ESAT, Aljazeera and BBC. No UN or other independent human rights groups are allowed to check on living conditions of political prisoners. And no investigations by independent bodies were allowed on killings of peaceful protesters. Some of us are still quite.
Untold horror stories that came out recently include dragging of corpse of Amhara youth killed in Welkait. Ethiopians consider the dead as closer to God and dead bodies are treated with a lot of respect and burial of dead family members involves days of traditional ceremonies, putting dead family member to rest is a sad but very important part of life, however even that God given right is taken away from Ethiopians by TPLF. This is extreme punishment and terrorization of anyone who dare to speak against it. How could anyone justify this cruelty and most of us are still silent. 
TPLF has never told the truth since day one, and is a known chief data manipulator (population, economic growth etc). It never disclosed its intentions to dismantle the country in ethnic lines to empower itself, but has done it and is proud of it. It always says it is democratically elected however that never happened and more than 90% of Ethiopians will testify to that. It always says it is against corruption however it is operating like a mafia organization rather than a governing body, tunneling all resources and capital via ethnic association. Never cared about conflict of interest in the way it operates for 25 years. It says it allows for demonstrations, but gives its military and police an order to kill and terrorize protestors. It encourages ethnic cleansing to keep itself in power and yet talks about possible ethnic cleansing if it is removed from power. When TPLF talks about negotiations, it is always negotiating with made in TPLF parties (with small parties created by TPLF for the sake of appearances intended to skim western countries for AID money and other support).
Based on its own fake statistical data, experts conclude the fact that when TPLF admits it has imprisoned 12, 000 Oromo and Amhara youth the real number is close to 48,000. When the killer government admits it has killed close to 200 peaceful demonstrators it could be close to 2000. As there is no statistical data on the number of tortured and assassinated there is no way to estimate those causalities.
Despite our ethnic affiliations, Ethiopians living in democratic countries and enjoy/witness the fruits of democracy and unity should condemn the extreme brutality, ethnocracy and corruption by TPLF. TPLF is standing on shaky grounds, and we do believe its days in power are numbered. We should all break the silence, rise and say enough is enough and hope Ethiopians will soon have a day in court with the real terrorist in town (TPLF).
Martin Luther King. Jr. once said: In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends

Family to see illegally jailed Andy Tsege in Ethiopia after three years

Andy Tsege finally gets access to a lawyer almost 1,000 days after being kidnapped by the Ethiopian authorities.
5:19am 18th March 2017
(Updated 5:38am 18th March 2017)

By Ian Woods, Senior News Correspondent
Sky News
The family of a British man imprisoned in Ethiopia have been told they can visit him for the first time since he was illegally captured nearly three years ago.
On Monday Andy Tsege will have been held for 1,000 days.
He was seized while at an international airport in Yemen, and taken to Ethiopia where he’d already been tried and sentenced to death in his absence.
The Ethiopians regard him as a terrorist, but his family say he’s simply an outspoken critic of the government.
Mr Tsege was born in Ethiopia but sought political asylum in London and was granted British citizenship.
The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has been under pressure to lobby the Ethiopian government for his release, and he raised the case with the country’s PM during a visit to Addis Ababa on Thursday.
Mr Johnson said: “He now has a lawyer and he’s been able to see that lawyer.
“We received undertakings that there would be regular access to that lawyer and an offer for Mr Tsege’s wife and family to come out and see him, so we certainly raised those issues and made progress.”
Mr Tsege’s wife, Yemi Hailemariam, told Sky News she hoped it was a genuine offer – as she was previously warned she would be arrested if she travelled to Ethiopia.
“Although I’m very happy that he is finally able to see a lawyer after two and a half years, the coincidence surprises me that the day before the Foreign Secretary arrives in Ethiopia he suddenly gets access to a lawyer.”
Maya Foa, from Reprieve, said Mr Johnson should have been trying to bring Mr Tsege home on his plane, but told Sky News: “I am hopeful that this visit will see a change in attitude from the Foreign Office, and that what we will see is an attempt to negotiate Andy’s release back to the UK.
“This is a man who has done nothing wrong.”
The news comes as the High Street retailer Lush stages a campaign in support of Mr Tsege.
Staff in all 102 UK stores have been briefed to discuss his case with customers and have been selling bath bombs embedded with his picture under the slogan Buy One Set One Free.
The company’s ethical director, Hilary Jones, said: “We’ve had queues at our iPads to sign up to the petition.
“We’ve had people really interested. if you tell Andy’s story it really affects people and they can see the total injustice.”

torsdag 16. mars 2017

Ethiopia: Over five mln USD to help displaced people embezzled

Hailemariam Desalegn

Over five mln USD that was allocated for the resettlement of people uprooted due to government projects was embezzled by officials and clan leaders.
Presenting a six-month report to the House of People’s Representatives, Hailemariam Desalegn, the prime minister, said the money has been stolen by officials at various levels and clan leaders of a regional state. The premier declined to name the regional state the money that allegedly  embezzled the money.
Although the premier indicated that an office has been formed to prevent further embezzlement of government funds, he did not say if those responsible for the looting were brought to justice.
Thousands of people who were uprooted in various regions to give way to so-called development projects have been accusing the government of not paying compensations or providing land to rebuild their homes.
At least five police officers were killed last year as residents fought back to prevent the demolition of their houses in the capital. The resident say the government did not provide alternative housing and compensation.

tirsdag 14. mars 2017

Ethiopia: Death toll reaches 90 in landfill landslide

Excavators and bulldozers dig deep into a mountain of rubbish for the third day in a landfill in the outskirt of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa trying to find bodies buried under the pile of garbage in Saturday night’s collapse of the landfill.
State media reported that the death toll reached 72 by Tuesday night but it is not clear how many still remain unaccounted for. Other sources close to ESAT put the death toll at 90.
The burial of 40 people were conducted on Tuesday as the country’s parliament declared three days of mourning.
Survivors recounted their horrifying stories on the state television. A woman who was half buried and dug out to safety by her neighbors says she doesn’t know where her two children and husband are, and if they had survived the tragedy. “I heard one of my daughters screaming for help buried somewhere in the pile of rubbish. I don’t know if she survives.”
Among the dead were two toddlers and a mother. A man says he lost four of his children and his wife.
4,000,000 tons garbage is dumped everyday on the landfill that is 36 hectares and 40 meters deep.
Koshe, Amharic for garbage, has been the city’s dumping ground for over 50 years. An estimated 500 waste pickers call Koshe home, scavenging for food and salvaging items for sale. The majority of the victims live in makeshift shelters.
A new landfill built on the other side of the city faced opposition from residents, forcing city administrators resume dumping at Koshe, which  experts had warned was a disaster in the making.
The increasing number of the urban poor and the death of dozens of squatters at the site of a landfill fall in sharp contrast to the double digit development narrative of a regime that boasts of miraculous achievement in economic progress.

mandag 13. mars 2017

Gambella: Scores killed in cross-border raid

At least 22 people were killed in a cross-border raid on Friday and Saturday by the Murle of South Sudan against the Anyuaks in Gambella, western Ethiopia.
Eleven people were killed 21 others, including children were abducted on Saturday.
Meanwhile, the Gambella Nilotic Unity Movement said in a statement sent to ESAT that a total of 11 Anyuaks were killed in the first week of  March in a cross-border raid by the Murle of south Sudan.
The Movement called on the UN and the international community to intervene to stop further bloodshed of the Anyuaks in Ethiopia.
A total of 161 people were killed and over 170, including children, were kidnapped in the last two months.
A UN multi-agency team that visited the Gambella region in February said at least 3,714 have been displaced following the cross border attack by the Murle ethnic group from South Sudan.
In April 2016, 208 people were killed and over 100 children were kidnapped in a cross border raid by the Murle. Some 50 children were returned.

onsdag 8. mars 2017

Urgent Appeal: Cholera kills over 300 in the last 72 hours in Ogaden

More than 300 people died of the cholera epidemic in Ogaden during the last 72 hours. Thousand are also at life-threatening stage with no medicine or health support. Although most the towns in Ogaden are affected, the disease is creating havoc in the rural areas, where there are no health facilities or emergency provisions. Villagers are reporting that families find their relatives dead in the remote areas while tending livestock. Some are found days later, mauled by wild animals. Both the Federal government of Ethiopia and the regional administration are hiding the extent of the epidemic and are not providing the urgent help that is needed.
The most affected areas are in the regions of Jarar (dhegahbuur); Nogob (to urge), Qorahay (Qabridaharre) and Shabelle. Similar deaths are reported in Doollo, Afdheer and Liibaan regions. Since November, it is conservatively estimated that more than 2000 have died in the remote rural areas in Ogaden. The situation is further exacerbated by the drought and lack of adequate food or water and people are so emancipated that anyone affected dies quickly.
Although both the UN and the Ethiopian government mention the drought and the Cholera (Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) in their reports, no concrete action has been taken. The people are dying for a curable disease that only requires a few antibiotics. However, the Ethiopian government has deprived the Somali people in Ogaden of the ability to buy medicine or food in neighbouring countries by the ruthlessly imposing an undeclared embargo on trade and aid while barring access to international NGOs and independent media to most of the Ogaden.
ONLF urgently appeals to the World Health Organisation and UN agencies to heed the call for help from the Ogaden people and take urgent action in Ogaden regarding the drought and Cholera. Visits and reports are not enough. The Ethiopian government is committing a crime tantamount to genocide in preventing the Ogaden people from having access to medicine and food – an inhumane and heinous act.
ONLF calls upon the AU, EU, USA, the OIC, ICC, and other donor countries to press the Ethiopian government and the UN to act urgently to alleviate the calamity that is unfolding in Ogaden – specifically, to allow international NGOs to provide urgent medical relief and food aid to the rural agro-pastoralist community.
ONLF calls upon the Somali people and all peoples in Ethiopian to highlight the issue to the international community and offer their support.
Issued by ONLF
For immediate release
March 8, 2017

Ethiopia: Tigrayan officers defy the government

Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Forces, Gen. Mohamed Nur Yunus Samora with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and newly appointed Tigrayan generals
by Africa Intelligence
According to our sources, Tigrayan military officers close to Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Forces (ENF), Gen. Mohamed Nur Yunus Samora, no longer disguise their distrust of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Already, on several occasions, Samora has gone against the decisions of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, deeming the latter have received poor counsel from his advisers.
This information was partly revealed on the private radio station Zami FM which belongs to the Ethiopian-American Mimi Sibhatu. Sibbhatu is a close friend of Azeb Mesfin, the widow of former prime minister Meles Zenawi, who is also director of the Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray (Effort) and of Mesfin Industrial Engineering (MIE). She has distanced herself from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) since demonstrations were stepped up in the Oromia and Amhara regions.

tirsdag 7. mars 2017

The Power of Grassroots Advocacy Over Paid Lobbying By Prof. Al Mariam

Author’s Note: This commentary is the third installment in an ongoing series opposing the lobbying efforts of the Praetorian regime in Ethiopia which rules by a declaration of emergency. For years and particularly over the past month, I have strongly argued to the Trump administration to review U.S. foreign aid programs in Ethiopia and Africa. I am heartened by the announcement of the Trump Administration  yesterday that there will be “fairly dramatic cuts” in U.S. foreign aid beginning in 2018.
T-TPLF and the power of money
Is the U.S. Government for sale?
Could the U.S. Government be purchased with U.S. aid money given out to help the poor?
The Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) definitely believes it is. The T-TPLF thinks it can buy the whole kit and caboodle of the U.S. Government today for $2 mills. It has done it before, but could it do it again in the Age of Trump?
Why would the T-TPLF agree to pay SGR Washington D.C. (Lobbying) USD$150,000 per month, for a total of nearly $2 million a year, to lobby members of Congress and the Trump Administration unless it believed it can buy the U.S. Government at cut-rate?
Of course, the big question is: Where the hell did the T-TPLF get the $2 million to blow on a lobbying extravaganza? For the past year, the T-TPLF has been pleading poverty, claiming it has no money to feed the millions of Ethiopians facing famine and starvation and fast running out of foreign exchange reserves.
Before the Obama Administration gave the T-TPLF free access to USAID or more accurately the “U.S. Aid Candy Store” (USA-CS) under the management of Susan Rice and Gayle E. Smith, the T-TPLF splurged on lobbying spending nearly USD$3 million in the span of a single year.
Between April 14, 2008 and October 14, 2009 (including a large payment in December 2007), the T-TPLF spent USD$2,888,235on lobbying using three top Washington firms:
10/14/2009$585,779.52Government of EthiopiaMark Saylor Company, LLC
02/17/2009$31,654.13Government of EthiopiaDewey & LeBoeuf LLP
12/11/2008$50,000.00Government of EthiopiaDLA Piper US LLP
02/01/2008$300,000.00Government of EthiopiaDewey & LeBoeuf LLP
01/25/2008$28,642.50Government of EthiopiaDewey & LeBoeuf LLP
01/25/2008$73,962.30Government of EthiopiaDewey & LeBoeuf LLP
01/11/2008$328,040.18Government of EthiopiaMark Saylor Company, LLC
12/26/2007$183,307.48Government of EthiopiaDewey & LeBoeuf LLP
*04/14/2008$1,351,851.25Government of EthiopiaDLA Piper US LLP
Moving suitcases full of cash to offshore accounts is a staple of the T-TPLF and its hangers on. In April 2016, two Chinese migrant workers found $356,246 in cash at an airport in China and local police returned it to three travelers from ‪Ethiopia.
According to Global Financial Integrity (GFI), “Ethiopia, which has a per-capita GDP of just US$365, lost US$11.7 billion to illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009.” The outflow has never stopped and today Ethiopia is not only a failed nation but also a financially bankrupt one.
A simple question to ask is: “Who in Ethiopia has $12 billion to squirrel away in offshore accounts the world over?”
The answer is another question: “Who in Ethiopia has 100 percent control of the “parliament”, the economy, the military, the civil service, the media, and even the internet?
When the T-TPLF is literally smuggling tens of billions out of the country, $2 million is chump change, a drop in the ocean of corruption.
What I find incomprehensible is the fact that T-TPLF today is panhandling the U.S. and the international community for more money to help famine victims and needs USD$948 million while it is squandering $2 million on fat cat lobbyists.
Why should American taxpayers shell out a billion dollars when the T-TPLF has squirreled away 12 billion in offshore accounts? To demand the American taxpayer foot the bill for the T-TPLF’s lobbying extravaganza is not only an outrageous abuse of American generosity but also an insult added to injury.
The audacity of the T-TPLF criminals is not limited to stealing U.S. aid money. They have been committing securities fraud in the U.S. along with who knows what else.
In June 2016, the T-TPLF  agreed to pay the American Securities and Exchange Commission USD$6.5 million dollars in “disgorgement” for selling unregistered bonds in the U.S. for a period of years. (Disgorgement is repayment for ripping off some one.)  Selling unregistered bonds in the U.S. is a  crime under the “Securities Act of 1933”, sec. 20 (b)).
Did the T-TPLF actually pay the $6.5 million in fines to the SEC? Does it have the money to pay the fine?
So, where did the $2 million for lobbying come from?
Did the T-TPLF skim $2 million from U.S. aid and squirrel it away for a rainy lobby day?
Did the T-TPLF dip into its $12 billion kitty in offshore accounts?
Did the T-TPLF get $2 million as a gift from some fat cat?
Did the T-TPLF embezzle tax dollars collected from starving and toiling Ethiopians to feed the mean “K” Street junkyard dogs?
Did the T-TPLF take out a loan? From the Bank of China? The World Bank?
Did the T-TPLF get the money from the down payment on the fire sale of the “Ethiopian Railway Line” or the Ethiopian Shipping & Logistics Services Enterprise?
Or is it earnest money on the soon to be executed sale of Ethiopian Airlines?
I don’t know.
To me, the $2 mills reek of ripped off U.S. aid.
The one irrefutable fact about the T-TPLF is that they believe they can buy anyone and anything to remain in power. It is only a matter of how much, not if they can buy it.
The T-TPLF leaders truly believe they can buy decisive influence in the U.S. Government during the Trump era. They did not spend a red cent during the Obama administration because they had free access to the USA-CS.
The T-TPLF bought and sold tens of thousands Ethiopian Diasporans by promising them “free land” to build houses, “tax holidays” if they invested and easy access to officials so they can get things done without following established rules and regulations. The avaricious Diasporans flocked back and spent their money like drunken sailors making everything expensive for the local people trying to live hand to mouth. Today, many of those same Diasporans who bought the T-TPLF story hook, line and sinker are regretting their decisions and dangle on the hook. Their investments are worth pennies on the dollar. I tell them it is no use crying over spilled milk. They should have heeded my advice, “Buyer beware!” Such are the just desserts of greed and total indifference to the people’s need.
The T-TPLF has bought one group of Diaspora Ethiopians to fight another group of Diasporans by secretly funding often both sides. We know there are T-TPLF agents in every American state reaching out to individuals offering them money and benefits to work behind the scenes stirring trouble and even dividing and destroying church congregations to ensure the churches will not be a base of support for any anti-TPLF movement.
The T-TPLF bought enough influence to stop H.R. 2003 in the Senate although people power got it passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2007. Today, the foremost defender of the T-TPLF in the Senate, James Inhofe, says he can guaranteebusiness as usual for the T-TPLF in the Trump Administration. Inhofe once said the late thugmaster Meles Zenawi was his “brother” and “friend”.
The T-TPLF leaders, families, cronies and supporters have bought multi-million dollar homes in the U.S. and operate multi-million dollar businesses. They send their children to American schools and colleges paying vast sums all on government salaries of a few hundred U.S. dollars a month.
Just last week, according to one report, the T-TPLF handed out 657 women 8.790 birr to buy goodwill and at the same time create division among the people of Gonder where an uprising against T-TPLF rule broke out over the past year and continues today in various forms of popular armed and civil resistance.
But money cannot buy legitimacy. Money cannot buy the people.
End of the USA-CS for Africa?
It seems the US Aid Candy Store will finally close.
Yesterday, Mick Mulvaney, the White House Office of Management Budget director, announced the “Trump administration will propose “fairly dramatic” reductions in U.S. foreign aid when it submits its fiscal 2018 budget later this month.
While I, in no way take any credit whatsoever for this move by the Trump Administration, I am encouraged and deeply humbled that that my lone solitary voice against the rape of the American taxpayer by dictators and thugtators was heard in the Trump Administration at the highest levels. It is said that “Even a voice in the wilderness is sometimes heard, and unwilling listeners do, now and then, become converted.” The ironies of life!
People Power v. Money Power
Over the past couple of weeks, I have heard various people express the view that Diasporan Ethiopians cannot fight the T-TPLF’s lobby campaign backed up with a well-funded war chest.
There are those who are ready to raise the white flag of surrender by the mere mention of USD$2 million being handed out to one of the “K” Street Lobbying White Knights in Shining Armor marching towards The Hill or the down Pennsylvania Avenue at The White House. They say the lobby firms are too powerful to fight against. They say, money talks and everything else walks. No money, no voice. No matter what you say, without large amounts of money, nobody will hear you. In Congress. In the White House. In the bureaucracy.
But as Gandhi taught, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” There is nothing stronger in the universe than the will of the people. The will of the people is the true power of the people. Money power is no match to the willpower of the people.
I have been asked by well-intentioned but disbelieving individuals how I could possibly think that Ethiopian Americans who are splintered by ethnicity, religion, language, etc. could expect to win against a powerhouse lobbying firm. They think I am in denial or just naïve in believing Ethiopian American grassroots advocates could come together and make a dent in the solid armor of a “K” Street lobbying firm.
Perhaps I am naïve about the power of money, but I do understand People Power. If we can get the nearly one million Ethiopian Americans and the tens of millions of their friends, neighbors, associates, co-workers, faith-members, classmates and members of their civic, social, cultural, professional political organizations and other associations to join in, we can surely beat the T-TPLF’s power of money.
There is a story about a time in Jericho when the trumpets were sounded and the people gave a loud shout and the wall collapsed.
If we put our voices together and give a loud shout, “No influence peddling in our government by a corrupt and brutal regime!”, we too can collapse the wall of money the T-TPLF is building around the U.S. Congress and the Administration.
The fact of the matter is that Ethiopian Americans are not alone in this fight. We have African American, Hispanic American, Jewish American, Armenian American, Arab American, Greek American, Asian American, …. groups and organizations that could partner with us to achieve our objectives. But we must reach out to these groups and their members on an individual and organizational basis and partner with them. That means we must build coalitions with like-minded groups one brick, one organization, at a time.
We have a lot to learn. That is much to learn from mistakes of the past and the things we did right and learn new skills for effective grassroots advocacy. HR 2003 was a great experience in advocacy. I offer a little “civic education” to those who are not clear about lobbying and grassroots advocacy in the U.S.
Lobbying in the public mind is equated with bribery, influence peddling, corruption and crookedness. Donald Trump’s signature campaign promise was to “drain the swamp”. He said, “If we win on November 8th, we are going to Washington, D.C.—when we win, OK—and we are going to drain the swamp.” He meant that he would eliminate the enormous influence of lobbyists who peddle influence in the U.S. government and the “entire corrupt Washington Establishment” which thrives on campaign contributions of lobbyists and others who do the same thing under different labels, e.g. consultants, experts.
The term “lobbyists” is applied loosely in general public discussions. I am concerned here specifically with paid lobbyists whose principal business is to hire out their services to clients and receive compensation for work they do to persuade legislators and policy makers to act in favor of their client’s business or cause. Lobbyists get paid for persuading politicians to do something to benefit their clients or not do something that could harm their clients or prevent change in the existing state of affairs. For instance, the T-TPLF lobby aims to increase US aid to the regime, defeat legislative efforts in Congress aimed at sanctioning the regime and give them a free pass to the USA-CS.
It is said that the term “lobbyist” first came into use in the mid-seventeenth century when notable Englishmen gathered in the lobby of the House of Commons to share their views with parliamentarians. “Lobbying” has been a fact of political life in America as an activity that is protected by the right to petition government in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1791. Lobbying in the 1790s consisted of a few individuals trying to get special favors from Congress. One notable lobby sought to get benefits for veterans of the Continental Army from the newly established Congress. It was not until the decade before the American Civil War that the term “lobby” began to have special significance as gun makers made gifts of firearms to lawmakers to curry goodwill. It was after the Civil War during the Gilded Age (when America grew economically and demographically and corruption and corporate financial shenanigans became prevalent) that lobbying became a full-scale influence-peddling industry.
Lobbying became a serious problem after the Great Depression when foreign governments and businesses tried to influence Congress. In 1938, Congress passed the Foreign Agents Registration Act, requiring foreign governments, businesses and institutions to publicly disclose their relations with American politicians. In 1946, Congress passed the Lobbying Registration Act (repealed in 1995) requiring anyone who spent at least half of their paid time directly lobbying the federal government. In the wake of major corruption investigations and prosecutions in the 1990s involving the infamous and powerful lobbyist Jack Abramoff federal contracts, Congress passed the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act defining lobbying activity. In 2007, Obama declared he will not accept lobbying money and Congress passedthe Honest Leadership and Open Government Act requiring electronic filing of lobbying disclosure reports and limiting “gifts” to members of Congress from lobbyists. In 2009, Obama banned lobbyists from working at any agency they had lobbied in the last two years.
Despite Congressional and executive efforts to limit the influence of lobbyists, the revolving door functions to recycle former members of Congress, ex-congressional staffers, political appointees and has been declining over the past several years due to stricter laws, rules and regulations. In 2007, there were nearly 15 thousand “lobbyists” compared to 9700 in 2016.
Grassroots Advocacy or People Power
Grassroots advocacy is simply “citizen lobbying”. I use the phrase cautiously since citizen advocates do not engage in advocacy like paid lobbyists for the sole reason of getting obscene hourly rates for  compensation. The lobbyist who is paid $150,000 a month for his services cares only about one thing: Making $150,000 a month!
Grassroots advocacy or citizen lobbying differs from paid lobbying in several respects:
1) Grassroots citizen advocacy and mobilization occurs when a group of concerned, motivated and civic-minded individuals come together to organize in support or in opposition to a particular cause(s)  or issue(s) that is of interest to them or has the potential to serve a greater common good. There are grassroots groups and organizations advancing environmental, civil liberties and other causes. There are even groups consisting of a “loose-knit conglomerate of exiles, sympathetic members of Congress, and nongovernmental organizations” that focus on a particular country.
2) Unlike paid lobbying which relies on the resources and skills of an elite corps of powerful lawyers, marketing and advertising professionals and “consultants” and “experts” with back-channel connections to politicians, grassroots advocates work to reach out and contact their lawmakers and other government and public officials  and urge them to act in support or opposition of their issues and causes.
3) Unlike paid lobbyist who gain access to officials by developing personal relationships with officials and their staffers (and engaging in a variety of other activities including making campaign contributions, using the economic leverage of their clients, running media and advertising campaigns, holding “informational seminars” for officials and wining and dining them at golf resorts to educate them about the issues, and even creating bogus grassroots organizations to supplement and leverage their positions), grassroots advocacy generally relies on word-of-mouth outreach efforts aimed at creating and sustaining a public awareness and mass mobilization effort on issues and problems and mobilizing individual action.
4) Unlike paid lobbyists who aim to bring about results for their clients in the short-term, grassroots advocacy aims to build support to change attitudes, policies and practices over a longer period of time.
5) Grassroots advocacy gives effective voice to ordinary people who do not have millions of dollars to blow on high-powered lobbyists. It offers ordinary folks an opportunity to be heard by their representatives and officials. Ordinary people are able to show their lawmakers how their rights and interests are affected by particular issues. By directly communicating with lawmakers, they convey the raw emotion of their concern for the issues.
A well-organized small grassroots group can often give the million-dollar lobbyists a run for their money.
Each person is a leader in a grassroots citizen advocacy campaign
There are those who (I regret to say “sitting on their derrieres”) pontificate and demand the immediate establishment of a leadership group and organization to do what needs to be done. They seem to believe that an elite group of individuals could manipulate and direct the masses of citizens into taking action in one form or another. To invoke an old Ethiopian saying, “The sky is near to those who sit on their rear ends pointing an index finger”.
The fact of the matter is that citizen advocacy is led by citizens. Every citizen engaged in a grassroots movement is a leader, a vanguard and a pathfinder. In many ways, grassroots movements are leaderless in the traditional sense. They are led by ordinary civically-minded citizens who are not willing to take it anymore. Grassroots advocacy places on each concerned citizens the responsibility to self-educate on the issues, to learn new skills necessary for civic engagement, to seek out and link up with others engaged in grassroots advocacy and develop the courage to stand up and be counted.
We live in a time and place where the means of mass communication have made it easier than ever to learn new things and collaborate with others at the speed of light. It is so much easier today to gather around an issue by using internet resources. Fragmented groups can come together and join up for a common cause. It has never been easier to mobilize hundreds or millions of people through social media, email, internet radio and websites, blogs. It is no longer an absolute necessity to march in the streets every day for an opportunity to be heard by lawmakers and other officials. With a computer keyboard and mouse, millions of supporters can be mobilized for immediate action.
There is no longer an excuse for individual inaction in the fact of the most important issues of the day which will impact generations to come.
Getting involved is a civic duty and obligation
Alexis de Tocqueville, the insightful 19th-century French commentator on “Democracy in America” was the first to discuss the importance of civil society organizations (free association of citizens for social or political purposes) as buffers between citizens and the state. He thought these nongovernmental groups operating in their own interests served to promote democratization and revitalized society.   He felt democracy in America had a tendency to promote individualistic lifestyles which makes it fertile ground for the growth of free social and political associations which could revitalize democracy and society at the same time.  de Tocqueville also noticed two trends among the Americans he observed. Some of the Americans were civically-minded, creative, courageous, eager and prepared to take initiatives and action to engage the government. Others were timid and not interested in free and independent thought and would just as soon follow the herd and follow the opinion of the majority.
de Tocqueville’s observations are just as applicable to 21stcentury Ethiopian Americans. The same two trends in de Tocqueville’s America are present today. There are Ethiopian Americans who are eager to step up to the plate and others who want to sit in the bleachers and watch silently from a distance. There may be others who may feel more comfortable living a life of de facto second-class citizenship.
I do not want to sound jingoistic but American citizenship offers great constitutional liberties, rights, privileges and responsibilities. We have the right to free speech and to petition government for grievances. We have the right to vote and to hold our lawmakers and officials accountable for what they do and do not do.
Our elected representatives work for us. They do not work for the T-TPLF or any other foreign governments. The T-TPLF does not pay taxes in America. It is in the enviable position of extracting  billions of dollars from the American taxpayer. The T-TPLF does not vote in America. It steals elections in Ethiopia.
For those of us who appreciate the genius of de Tocqueville “Democracy in America”, we know that American citizenship carries with it considerable responsibilities. Those responsibilities are even greater on all those who escaped political persecution from their home countries and emigrated to the U.S. Defending the U.S. Constitution from enemies domestic and foreign is a responsibility, indeed a solemn oath, every naturalized American citizen is required to take and live up to.
The T-TPLF is free to flash its wads of millions of dollars and dangle it before certain American politicians, but it is our job and solemn duty as to make sure T-TPLF’s money power does not crush Ethiopian American people power.
I should like to remind my Ethiopian American readers of an admonition attributed to de Tocqueville: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”
In the 21st century, the question shall be whether the American Republic will endure the relentless onslaught of foreign bribe money flowing into Congress and the administration!
To be continued…